Here’s our top 6 theories for the upcoming Game of Thrones Season 8.
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  1. I think i made some game beats.

    Greetings everyone! I'm trying to start a music video channel here on YouTube but it's difficult to get seen.

    The music is instrumental and may fall under categories ranging from mellow to rock to hip hop – but mostly a unique combination of them all. The videos are original and usually random – whatever comes to mind in the moment.

    I'm new to both video and music production so I will gladly acknowledge input from anybody willing to offer it. If you have the time, click my icon and let me know what you think. Thank you in advance, it's much appreciated!

  2. Hi. I have a GOT theory . It is basically an explanation of S7 from where we also get a theory . To me it is a deadly one based on logic …idk u might also find it stupid but I think u wont. If it is good I hope the channel will look to this . If not just consider it as a fantasy of a boy.. Now the question is how did the dragons got beyond the wall so quick ?Let is not argue about time n just agree it was too quick to be normal. So it is not logical for a raven to reach half a continent so fast . But what if…what if the raven never reached dragonstone before can't started ?What if all the time taken for the dragons to come was the time taken for them to reach there only . How is it possible ? Here's where varys comes into play.Ever thought why doesn't the priests like varys ?Why did the red women say he had to die In westeros ? What did he hear in the flames ? Now after highlighting that he heard something in the flames so many times in the show its unlikely not to be anything very important . Now everytime topic about the voice comes up his expression tells us I wasn't something too pleasant for him . Now the priests say that there is lord of light n that of darkness…if I remembered the name right. One is opposite to other .What if varys serves the other ?Might that be the reason for the hatred going on ? Again ,we saw that for some time varys hasn't been doing anything important.The show is known for killing of characters who hasn't anything much to do …like catelyn n barristan . They r alive in the books. So if he has nothing to do y is he alive ? Y does the show waste time showing him making promises ? Answer is he has a big role n its safe to say it relates to what he had heard in the flames. So what might be his role in such a moment I war ?He is no warrior or battle commander or a priest . Bringing information ? That's not possible …night king will kill anyone who gets close . So my guess is he will betray dany . Ever wondered why did the show waste so much time in such a eventful season on showing him making promise ? May be it is because he is gonna betray dany . And that for the lord of darkness or something like that . So my guess is the night king gave him visions . Now how ?Why ? Why would varys care ? The nightking is a greenseer too probably . Saw how he understood brans vision in ep6 ? Now varys would care because the night king is a great agent of the lord of darkness if not is himself . Because he will bring the long night …unending darkness . Lord of light is fire we know night king is ice …a story of ice and fire. And why does lord of light care so much that he keeps showing visions n brings back men ?He is gotta b a big threat . So varys serves him . N y did he send vision ? Because he planned it all. He wanted dragons to come . Because wall is made of spell n as long as it stands wights cant pass . And wights cant break it easily .So he needed a dragon . Ever wondered why the nightking wasted a full day to kill 8-9 men when they have 100K ? Because humans were never the target . He wanted dragons to come . So he sent visions to varys for dany to come quickly. N night king ofcourse intelligent we can all agree. Sorry for any spelling mistakes and also if I missed any important point..u k how boring it is write something this big . But if u disagree please place your logic . If u have questions ask . Have a nice day

  3. so bout "there must always be a stark in Winterfell" if yall saying Theon and Bolton'staking over broke the ancient packed than why the white walkers were preparing for all those years before and attacking the wildlings. maybe be the Targaryen conquest broke the packed. when Toren stark Bend the Knee. but hey Night King need calm the fuck down. if there was a packed 8000 years ago, he had too long to get over it. he needs to let things go.


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