Our favorite Game of Thrones had so many funny scenes that it is very hard to remember all of them… We had specified Top 7 Funniest Scenes from Game of Thrones. Please leave us your comment if there is anything that we’ve missed…

Although Tyrion Lannister is the main comedian in Game of Thrones, we have found some other funny characters as well!


This video include all Seasons of Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Season 1
Game of Thrones Season 2
Game of Thrones Season 3
Game of Thrones Season 4

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  1. In this fantasy world the coming winter is foretold and mostly ignored. They are to busy living their lives. No one caring until it is to late.

    All the people of this world focused on one show all the while ignoring what is prophesied to take place i this real world.

    Does this not sound familiar??????

    In this world of reality the time of the book of Revelation is ignored and during this time frame 2/3 of this worlds population will be killed by God through His direct wrath.

    This is the worlds direct future… First the resurrection / rapture then the chaos that will bring the anti christ (coming winter foretold of)

    Now is the time to believe 'THE' Jesus Christ of 'THE'' scriptures (1 Cor 15:1-4) before you are left behind at the resurrection / rapture to face the wrath of God (Coming winter John 3:36)

    Leave this fake Hollywood world far behind and focus on the coming REAL WINTER where 2/3 of this worlds population will be killed by the direct wrath of God (Daniel 9:27 & the book of Revelation).

    Time is so very short. will you not believe (1 Cor 15:1-4)

    All this attention on a fake series when the REAL WINTER COMES

  2. Jaime to Walder Rivers: Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?
    Walder: I don't give a… BAM!
    Kept replaying that over and over

  3. Farmer: "We ask the Father to judge us with mercy, accepting our human frailty."
                   "We ask the Mother to bless our crops so we may feed ourselves and all who
                    come to our door."
                   "We ask the Warrior to give us courage in these days of strife and turmoil."
                   "We ask the Maiden to protect Sally's virtue and keep her from the clutches of
    Hound:  "You going to do all seven of the fuckers?"
    Arya:     "FATHER!"


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