On film sets, you have to hurry up and wait. With millions of props, people, and more to reset in between each shot, minutes of screen time can takes hours of work to produce.

So what does an actor do with all that downtime? Kristofer Hivju (Tormund Giantsbane) and Joe Dempsie (Gendry) found a way to occupy themselves:

The duo, who appear quite serious, are squaring off during a break in the filming of the Battle of Winterfell, which was apparently a grueling shoot that lasted 55 nights. Is that fake blood from the makeup department or have they gotten a little too invested in repeated rounds of Mario Kart?

Now that we have seen the image, we’re dying to know exactly what game our two warriors thespians gamers are playing on that Nintendo Switch. Maybe Smash Brothers? That could explain the looks of heated concentration.

It would have been a trip if the Switch showed up onscreen. Why should that coffee cup get all the love?

Next: Game of Thrones Emmy submission snubs

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