Dystopian future Dom rounds off Total Total Recall with a review of the 2012 remake. Covering its failings as a film, as an adaptation and as a reboot.

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  1. I haven't seen this movie, but one complaint I heard is that because there were no telepaths in this movie, there was no reason to erase his memory to begin with, thus invalidating the whole premise of the movie. Would that be a fair statement?

  2. Hey there, Dom, you sexy manbeast. Would you ever consider doing a Lost In Adaptation of Kingsman? It's based on a comic book series called The Secret Service. This movie is one of my favourites and I'd love to see a LIA on it c:

  3. 10:00 Lord Of The Rings was also considered unacceptable because of its length (too long) and had a weird ending (Giant birds who were supposed to not care about about the situation earlier come to save the day). And who would have though a film based on a comic with a talking racoon would be hit? I think the original story could be adapted if it was done by people who cared and weren't under the thumb of the Hollywood studios.

  4. Oh no, I was looking forward to this review so much (because I haven't actually watched the movie) but then the warning came up right away 🙁 Thank you, however, for adressing this issue… You can't imagine how much I appreciate that. Too many content creators nowadays don't care putting up warnings for things like epilepsy and the likes, and it's much more common than one might think. Well, I guess it's a good thing then that I decided to not watch this movie in cinemas back when it came out!

    Greetings from Germany ♥

  5. I've watched the original hundreds of times on tv it always sucks you in! Brilliant film. The new one? What in the holy fuck were they doing ? I can't stand it, totally un rewatchable!!!

  6. I usually like dumb story elements in reviews, but imo it just didn't work here. Utopian Future Dom was almost indistinguishable from regular Dom aside from the outfit, whereas Dystopian Future Dom's gravely voice was a constant distraction after watching two videos of Dom sounding like Dom.
    Not to mention, while the reveal of Terrance's involvement was funny, I felt like there wasn't much payoff, which disappointed me.

    Good reviews, and again I dont hate story stuff on principle, I just want it to be better.


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