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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. You shouldn't bash the guy that wrote this leak for his poor grammar, since you too made some mistakes in this video, and the one that stood out the most was that you called the Sea God that kept destryoing Durran Godsgrief's castles, the storm king, and it was Durran that was the storm king. Other than this you are totally right and i agree wholeheartedly, the show sucks SO MUCH now, it's written as a cheesy fan fiction with plot armor through the nose. It started as the fantasy that would break the mold of the fantasy genre where they have heroes in shiny armor that survive everthing and what not, but thanks to the "amazing work" of D&D it became what it set out to destroy. So speak up, say that it sucks, and i will love you for it, don't endorse mediocrity.

  2. I agree that the writing on this season's show lacked the skill and sharp edges of previous seasons/episodes. It reminded me of several spinning tops — each group's story line unto itself with little or no segue into other characters plots. The absolute worst for me, was someone coming up with the idea that Jon had to go get an "undead" to prove to Cersei that the North and South had to unite 'cause the dead are coming. If Dany had moved quickly against Kings Landing and established a coup, none of that incredibly stupid adventure would have been necessary. It seemed just a way to draw out the story for another year.

  3. So, first thing that caught me was that it was the aftermath of attack on castle black. Wasn't the attack in the end of the season at eastwatch not castle black? I could be mistaken but I thought it was eastwatch.

  4. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised at this point. They put that little effort into the writing/structuring that it seems like they could write the recent seasons in 3 weeks and just spend the rest of the time on direction/etc. Even if these leaks are made up, I wouldn't be surprised if they're decently accurate to what we'll get.

  5. Ugh, the 'aftermath' was from the Night King's attack on Eastwatch by the sea, not Castle Black! That's where Tormund and Gendry were! So much BS I can't stand it! They'd better provide good justification as to why Tormund and Gendry would suddenly be at Castle Black.

  6. While I believe these leaks are fake, it's only because of things like the Castle Black details and the fact the show's remembered Storm's End and Riverrun exist (something D & D would never do).

    So on one end, I understand there's some things D & D wouldn't forget, on the other… yeah. There's some parts of this (incredibly stupid) story that are actually TOO GOOD for D & D. That's sad.

  7. Nope. Just nope. This honestly sounds like a really badly written fan fiction and after season 7 I'm not at all surprised. I used to watch this show because I liked the characters and their stories and because I thoroughly enjoyed the show. But after the disaster of the Dorne plot, the complete butcher of Stannis' character and removal of his book storyline, the nonsensical battles (by this I mean half of the Bolton army disappearing in BotB mainly Ramseys archers, armoured Lannister troops in a shield/spear wall formation being slaughtered by unarmoured horsemen yes I known a dragon was present but still the cavalry broken the formation), characters having heavy plot armour (i.e. Arya chase, Jaime sinking in river with full plate on, every named character in episode 6 minus thoros) the predictable plot of season 7 and the failures D&D I feel like I'm only just watching this show to see how it finishes now like a chore I can't be bothered doing

  8. If u hate so mucu the series, just leave the series alone. There's several million people loves the series and feels really unconfortable with u spreading hate above something we love that much. You are clearly only a book fan that hates the series since the moment there's nothing about bookd anymore. U can love only the books, just stop make videos above hating the series. This is not "opinion", this is pure hate.

  9. The Season 7 Leak's story-lines were so lame, idiotic, illogical, convoluted and full of fan service and inconsistent with what had been revealed in previous seasons and in the books, …. that they had to be BS fan fiction.

    Then we got Season 7. WTF?

    All the fun of making predictions is now gone due to those morons D&D doing their own thing with the Show.

    The books and the Show up to Season 6 … was showing the Azor Ahai is not one person but is the Three Heads of the Dragon(Daney, Tyrion & Jon) who are also the three dragon riders. Lightbringer is the dragon of each rider. Jon is simply the LAST HERO(and a Prince) of THREE(heads of the dragon).

    Season 8 is simply going to be more crap writing to wrap up D&D's failed attempt to show they can do it better than GRRM.

    Yeah. Season 8 leaks seems like more BS fan fiction and terrible writing. So it's likely is the real deal. LOL.

  10. This show has gone fucking downhill since season 6. Just atrocious. But it's generally the BIGGEST fans like you and I that get the angriest at the decrease in quality..which makes sense. The casuals want Transformer dragons being ridden by Michael Bay.

  11. They come for little Sam ,turn him into a whitewalker,then little Sam sees his mom and Sam and struggeles inside and decides to fight on the side on men.Whitewalker against Whitewalker!!! Fight! Lul

  12. I hope this is not the real deal – because I don't really like it – but it sounds like it could be what Dan & Dave come up when left to their own devices.  The Night King could hit Castle Black just to keep the Crows from flanking them with their own anti-aircraft crossbow.  The one they nailed the giant with during the big battle against Mance Rayder.  The Jon + Dany = Baby Lyanna ending sounds like the bittersweet ending GRR hinted at.  It's actually a logical outcome that lacks meaningful outcomes – just what I've come to expect from Dan + Dave minus GRRM.  

    But do you have to use so much gratuitous language?  You're too smart for that troweling.  I can appreciate your negativity over the story developments – but you don't need the sarcastic tone for recounting the story.  It's not as outrageously ridiculous as the tone suggests.  You seem to be in a tailspin of your own negativity.  Beyond a critique of the weakening story.


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