From the moment Rust Cohle grabs the hostage, the camera never cuts away until they get in the car.

I just wanted to clarify that the original video was very smooth, and that certain points where it might appear “jumpy” was caused by Youtube conversion. This scene was indeed done in a single take, as can be confirmed in the article below, by the creators of the show. Several edit points were built in but weren’t needed in the end.

All rights belong to HBO Productions and Nic Pizzolatto, directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga.



  1. There are a couple of sneaky edits in this scene (the pan to the helicopter is a cut, the sped up footage when Rust picks up the phone, and another cut when they sneak through the clothes lines) but it's still one of the greatest scenes ever shot.

  2. OK, so for you old cats and old meaning 40 and older in no particular order, greatest scenes in TV show history:
    Fade to black Sopranos, MASH final helicopter scene, Miami Vice Phil Collins in the Air Tonight, JR Ewing being shot, Archie Bunker when he finally cries because Edith is dead, final Newhart scene, GOT Eddard Stark death, Hill Street Blues shooting, Cheers final closing, this scene! Sure I may have left a couple out, but to show you how great this scene is, it's certainly up there with that greatest of all time!

  3. As impressive as this is, this isn't one continuous take. There's a matching cut at 2.54. I think they've used a digital pan like in Serenity, I'm not sure why though. I suppose requiring a chopper to do an in frame fly over like that would be extremely difficult and potentially dangerous. The magic of cinema.

  4. Mccauneheys (I know that's wrong) acting is off the charts in this scene. All body language. Love when he is stalling the standoff for as long as he can, after he tosses ginger out the door and Tiger gets shot he lets out this sort of frustrated growl, so good. Everything reads so much better between him and Harrelson, "90 SECONDS MOTHERFUCKER!"


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