All music and video belong to HBO. It was just used for educational purposes.

This video was an arts-based analysis of a research study into why Game of Thrones is so popular despite the criticism. What’s important to note is that Game of Thrones isn’t a perfect show by any means. Yet part of the investigation in part being self-reflective I found that everything is problematic because nothing is perfect. That’s not to take away from the problems themselves because only by acknowledging issues can people learn and change for the better. What this does say is that people like other things about Game of Thrones. It could be said that it’s obvious, but it’s not the bad things and the problems that people want more of. In my investigation, I also found that within one scene there were five interpretations of what occurred. Perception and understanding are something that is essential to understanding any type of literature, TV included.
This video is inspired by “The Beginner’s Guide to Game of Thrones” narrated by Samuel Jackson.” ( Which was a hilarious take on what happened in Game of Thrones up until about season 6? I took that style and format and added parts of my research and findings into the video. So, for example, I showed people’s favorite characters as well as people’s least favorite characters according to my survey. I also included essential critiques that I researched about Game of Thrones which will give light to the problems in Game of Thrones. I even try to show the conclusion that people like it for a bundle of other reasons and that’s why they watch it.
The arts-based analysis was crucial to expressing the results of this study. Since a lot of my review was based on how specifically T.V as a medium affects how something is perceived, I thought that making a video would be a good replica. The arts-based analysis was a need for this study because it’s hard for people to express verbally why they like Game of Thrones, I am someone who knows that first hand. So instead of being dramatic, it was easier to show it humorously, whether you think it’s funny or not that was the intention. Game of Thrones is beloved by many, and I hope that this video shows that yes there are problems with Game of Thrones, but that’s not what people like about it and people shouldn’t be described because of the different interpretation literature, yes T.V can be considered literature can have.
Like I said, watch it or don’t, and seriously no judgment. Game of Thrones though only having one official season left is still here to stay and I for one and am happy to hear it.



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