Game of Thrones is about the most popular show on the face of the earth, but let’s face it, it’s not a show for everyone. So much gore, violence, sex and other graphic stuff means that the show isn’t suitable for all audiences, and definitely not for children. However, back in 2012, a Turkish teacher was levied with criminal charges for showing an episode of the show to his students, but has now been acquitted of all the charges. Read on!

Now, the news back then came from Hurriyet Daily News, in a report that said that Captain İskender Gülbahar had showed an episode of Game of Thrones to his students in an English class at the Maltepe Military High School in İzmir. Gülbahar and three other officers were charged and dismissed from the military, because Game of Thrones is apparently an insulting portrayal of the Turks.

Gülbahar has screened the episode with the intention of helping the kids understand English better, but it led to him and his colleagues being fired. They were accused of “exposing children to obscene content, pornographic elements and perverted and violent methods of sexual intercourse,” in addition to insulting “Turkishness.”

The decision was reconsidered in 2016, and now, thanks to testimonials by 21 of the students from the class, the teachers have been cleared of all charges.

It might have been not the best thing to show an episode of the show to kids, but most kids must be watching the show anyway, so there’s not much of a call for criminal charges there. What do you guys think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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