Game Of Thrones Season 8 returns on 14th April and HBO is ensuring that the final season is welcomed in style. To celebrate the upcoming final season of Game Of Thrones, HBO has teamed with Twitter and released 20 new Game Of Thrones hashtag emojis for various characters from the show.

In addition to the hastag emojis, Twitter has also released 20 new posters featuring Game Of Thrones characters like Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Night King and the other surviving characters that are going to play an important role in the final season.

The Night King has destroyed the Wall and now the army of the dead is marching South and there’s going to be a lot of death and destruction in the upcoming  season and at the moment we can just guess who will win the war and who will finally sit on the Iron Throne and it’s plausible that there won’t be any Iron Throne left in the end. Afterall this is Game Of Thrones and we can’t say what might happen.

However we can enjoy the show and make use of the newly available Game Of Thrones hashtag emojis in our tweets. These 20 new emojis now join the Iron Throne emoji that appears when you use the following hashtags: #GameOfThrones #GOT #GOTS8 #ForTheThrone.

How to use the new Game Of Thrones Twitter Hashtag Emojis?

It’s pretty simple. When you are tweeting, use any of the following hashtags and the corresponding hashtag emoji will automatically appear. Here’s the list of the hashtags:





















Twitter reveals 20 new Game Of Thrones hashtag emojis and character posters

How to view the 20 new Game Of Thrones character posters?

In addition to these emojis, Twitter has also released 20 character posters and to view all of them, you just need to retweet the tweet that we have shared below.

Once you retweet it, you will automatically receive a tweet from the Game Of Thrones twitter account asking you to Pledge your allegiance #ForTheThrone. Here are all the Game Of Thrones character posters released by Twitter:

Who do you think will sit on the Iron Throne? And don’t forget to pledge your allegiance by using the hashtag of your favourite character.



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