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  1. I'm the only person inthe world who hasn't seen any Game of Thrones. And i'm fine with that. 😀 no point in starting either, I have almost no attention span, even for things i actually enjoy. XD

  2. 1:59 The exact line is "Under the weirwood, Jon turned to Sam, calling his name in hushed tones despite the solemnity of the orchard. 'What?' Sam asked, a hint of irritation in his voice.
    'I've found a silver lining to being a steward.' Sam snorted in exception.
    'And what would that be?' He asked.
    'Well, at least I won't have to deal with the fucking framerate slowdown when I look at the wall,' Jon chortled."
    Page 568, A Game of Thrones.

  3. If anyone's looking for a good GoT game, you guys should check out A Clash of Kings, it's a Warband mod. Shit's awesome, and the quests are great, like defending the wall against the Wildlings alongside Jon Snow… oh yeah.


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