Tyrion Lannister is the sassiest, most badass character in Game of Thrones – possibly because he’s had to put up with being hated and made fun of his whole life – and we really, really hope he doesn’t end up as one of George RR Martin’s casualties. Please, George. Spare us this one.

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  1. He WAS a good uncle to Geoffry. The only one who beat some sense into him…or …out of him…doesn't matter. The boy didn't have too much sense to begin with. The actor plays him very well though. A shitty little pampered boy, wailing like a sissy when his uncle beats him. I hate Geoffry but thumbs up to the actor. Musn't be easy.

  2. You are missing two of the best moments. Him "educating" his nephew on his own throne. Slapping him is one thing, but he embarrassed him in front of the whole royal court. And his greatest moment, his trial (like so many have pointed out).


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