Game of Thrones S04E06 INTERNAL 720p HDTV x264 BATV00h41m41s 00h49m19s



  1. As soon as the vindictive Shae uttered her last damning words, he knew he wasn’t going to let them take anything else from him; that he was going to make sure that, for once, something would be beyond the reach of his father’s iron fist. He had little but pride left. He took what remained of it, set it ablaze and rained it down upon every last head in that hall. Legendary was the scorn of Tyrion Lannister.

  2. Stupid slut. She deserves to get strangled to death. Pouring lies out of her mouth and then she even has the balls to be angry at him and to try to kill him, later, when he goes to visit her. Fucking hate this stupid bitch. I won't lie, I would have done the same thing as Tyrion. Even the whole strangling part that came later. And alllll this, because he was forced to marry Sansa, which he made explicitly clear to this retarded whore that he has no choice over, and that he doesn't love Sansa. Seriously, fuck – this – stupid – slut.


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