Bronn Vs Ser Vardis



  1. Catelyn Stark was the most beautiful female character in Game of Thrones. Magnificent coloring. Fine boned. With features so soft they belie hard expressions. Just too bad she had to die so early.

  2. Judge : You stand accused of the murder of your worst enemy with 29 eye witnesses and a vid…
    Me : I demand a trial by combat
    Judge : for the third time, you can't do that
    Me : I name John Cena my champion

  3. Not fight with honor?
    He destroyed Ser Vardis with evasive movement and his weaknesses.
    Not to mention he was wearing heavy armor and a better sword and shield
    while Bronn didn't even have a shield helmet or armor.

  4. "[Tyrion is] accused of hiring a man to slay [Catelyn's] son in his bed and of conspiring to murder [Lysa's] husband, Lord Jon Arryn"
    I just realized Tyrion is accused of the crimes Littlefinger committed ^^

  5. Catelyn Stark is the most stupid bitch in all of Game of Thrones. Ned Stark gave her specific instructions and she ignored them, instead of following instruction, she ignited the conflicts between the Starks and Lannisters which ultimately led to a war and her husband's death. Ned told her to order the repairs of the North's defenses and ready them, raise some men, and return to Winterfell to govern the North with their son Robb, she did none of what Ned told her to do. Oh and she freed Jaime Lannister, the man who almost killed and crippled her youngest son Bran.

  6. Can someone please kill that shitty kid in the most monstrous way possible?

    And Lysa deserved more than just the fall. Ser Vardis didn't want to fight, as you can see by him being quiet and then trying to talk himself out of this. Bronn even gave Lysa THREE fucking chances to save ser vardis, but this fucking bitch killed him!

  7. Here's the complete joke :

    A farmer walks into a brothel with a jackass and a honeycomb. The madam says, "How can I help you?" The farmer replies that he would like to trade the jackass for time with a woman as he has grown tired of the jackass and it has been a long time since he's enjoyed a woman's touch. The madam honors his request and then asks about the honeycomb. The farmer replies that he would like to trade the honeycomb for food as it was a long journey and he's very hungry. The madam, shocked at this, asks the farmer why he didn't just eat the honeycomb. The farmer replies, "the same reason I brought the jackass."


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