YOU GUYS!!!!! I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!! This is probably one of the MOST requested videos ever!

Hey #TheatreThursdayFam 🎉💕🎭 it’s me, Katherine Steele! And today, we’re gonna do it: unpopular musical theatre opinions!
I mentioned this about a year ago and since then, you guys have been wanting to hear my not-so-popular opinions on my some of my favorite shows. So today, I’m going to talk about my top 3 unpopular opinions dealing with three of my favorite musicals: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, and Last Five Years. Additionally, all of these unpopular musical theatre opinions deal with love or relationships.

Let me know about YOUR unpopular musical theatre opinions in the comments down below!

Broadway Dream Roles!

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If you’re new to my channel, HI! I’m Katherine and I put out a new theatre related video on every #TheatreThursday plus bonus uploads throughout the week! My videos cover a variety of topics include musical theatre / acting advice, theatre kid lifestyle, performance reviews, and general broadway geekery. Additionally, I make usual Youtuber videos, but with a slight theatre-y twist.

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Music Provided By:Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



  1. do a video on why you like cosette ( I never really thought about my opinion on cosette but love eponine(only mildly with marius)) and on your opinions on the les mis movie only having a couple stage actors in it

    I'm the opposite. I think they both are at fault, but I have to choose Cathy because like Jamie cheated. I know that was more a symptom of the marriage being bad, but Jamie still took the actual action that was pretty much irreversible. Also, it felt like Jamie gave up on their relationship first, which is upsetting partially just because of how committed Cathy was and how heartbreaking her reaction was. Also, it always felt like Jamie wasn't ready for the commitment of marriage, and so he probably shouldn't have been getting married. Also, A Miracle Would Happen is super unflattering for Jamie. By the way, I know this is an incoherent mess of a response, but I just have so many opinions about this topic.

  3. The last five years is petty much based on Jason Robert Browns marriage, and its a popular opinion for people that have done the show to side with Jamie lol. Before Shiksa goddess was officially apart of the show there was another song in its place during the early stages of the show and  his ex-wife filed a law suit cuz it was to close to true. I side with Jamie too.

  4. Kath, I have to say my sixteen year-old self would have huffed off at your opinion of Eponine and Marius. However, after reading the novel and several years later I totally agree with you. Also I never liked the Phantom with Christine ( Or PotO period, but that"s another discussion), because of the obsessive undertones.

  5. (Almost a year after this was posted. Oops?) I have mixed feelings about Erik x Christine. The thing is, I don't think Erik was ever given an honest chance. He never knew anything about love. No one ever loved him, so he had no example to follow. So maybe he wasn't even in love with Christine, but admired her and didn't know the difference. But he also never learned how to win someone's affection. So he does what makes sense to him, help Christine in her career. Teach her ect. (And yeah, obsess, because this is probably the first time he has come close to another human being, emotionally, and I don't think he knows how to handle that) However, his methods don't work, because Christine falls for Raoul. He probably doesn't know why. He doesn't know how things like this work and once again, no one explains it to him. (And yeah, he goes completely overboard with the killing) I just think things might have turned out extremely different if someone had shown him how love works earlier on. (However, I still think they'd be cute together. But with a healthier Erik)

  6. I never shipped the phantom with Christine but I also don’t ship her with Raoul. The phantom relationship has its clear problems of course, i see Raoul equally as bad. He hadn’t seen Christine in years and obviously didn’t really have a liking to her before by the statement he makes of “not the gawkish girl that once you were” but he makes this statement without having even spoken to her again. He saw her perform, he saw her all pretty in makeup and singing beautifully and made his decision on that instead of who she had become as a person. She could still be the gawkish girl as before, he wouldn’t have known, because she was performing, or ACTING. Christine had went through a lot during that story and i think it would have been best for her to stay single and not be with either of them

  7. I have literally never understood people who shipped the Phantom and Christine. I never analyzed the show or anything like that but I fully understand that their relationship would be incredibly toxic.

  8. When I started watching this video I was like "please don't say you ship christine and phantom." And i was so relieved haha … but yeah I strongly agree with your first two points, and i never really thought about the third one so I don't really have opinion on that … anways great video 😊😊

  9. me, for the first 6 mins of the video: “oh my god, kath and i are so a like!”

    kath: “i’m team jamie”

    me: “bETRAYAL”

    (i totally love your take on it tho, that is a way of seeing the show i’ve never seen it before!)

  10. I think my most unpopular opinion is pretty general? The content of a song has no bearing on how much I like it. Well, that's not quite true, but, I mean, my favourite song in the musical isn't based on which has the most truth, or the deepest meaning. I love those, but that doesn't mean that my favourite song isn't about chopping people's heads off to satisfy your obsessive love.

  11. I left to watch the movie once you started your The Last 5 Years section AND MY HEART HURTS!!! But seriously they were BOTH stupid, neither one of them were open or willing to listen and truly compromise for each other. As a married woman myself i saw so many different points in thier marriage that could have been fixed had they been willing.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna calm myself with some Amelie

  12. I only knew the first two plays and TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!! Eponene wasn't owed anything and the phantom was a creep. Both of these characters generally qualify for this point: you can't force your feelings on somebody else. Just because you do all these things for someone doesn't automatically make them yours.

  13. Ive never heard hamilton. The problem I have with hamilton and there fans is there over the top intensity. Like I don't want to hear you constantly badly off beat rapping to a song that you say is great. Like I'm sure its great, hamilton won so many awards for a reason, but i don't need to hear that literally 24/7. Like what you want, but please don't shove it down other peoples throats. Another thing, I love musical theater, but i am just not into just listening to the music without see the actual play. I need to watch the play, then i can binge the music (like i am rn with chicago! Ahhh so good!!! I saw it on broadway are you jealous lol). Like i need to know the characters, their personalities, the PLOT. I just can't get into it. I've seen only a couple things and whenever say I like musical theater people are always trying to ask me if I've heard every song ever sung on stage. Its just annoying. Anyway, rant over. Thanks for reading.

  14. my main problem with Jamie is that I feel like he only loves Kathy for the potential person she may become, and not for the person she was. He loves her because he thinks he can fix her. I think that if you truly love someone, you should love them no matter how successful they are.


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