It’s been said that everything we need to know about where this story is going is hidden in the text of the first book. So here goes – an in-depth exploration of a Game of Thrones chapter-by-chapter, let’s see what we can find!

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Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s GoT, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, The Ice Dragon, The Rogue Prince, The Princess and the Queen et al.

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Images and footage of HBO’s Game of Thrones used under the Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship Act of 2007: (IV) Public domain works; (V) Public interest work and research



  1. Little general arya theory: in the house of black and white "jaqen" died but was wearing arya's face at his core and later the waif had jaqen's face. They can't be literally the faces of the dead cause while arya looked at dead jaqen she also had her face and dead jaqen on the floor had his face and so did the waif. I think its more of a glamour than wearing skin (cause there can't be 2 faces at once). I think jaqen might not be physically there…none of them are (which is how arya survived getting stabbed…didn't really happen but he wanted her to leave). I've discussed the "they are all in arya's head" theory before but there is another option….cause Gendry saw jaqen so its not just in arya's head. So what if jaqen/syrio/the waif are one and the same…and they are no one (aka not really a person)…..they are none….its the many faced god…its all of them and its nothing…its death looking like souls that have died already. Before syrio came arya was worried for her father and prayed to the old gods and the new (like syrio asked her about her praying). Arya prayed to the many faced god for a way to protect her family and the many faced god answered her prayers. Her father was already promised to death (cause his death was the catalyst for what was to come) but arya got protected instead…cause she asked the many faced god for it. Which makes syrio and jaqen telling arya that there is only one god kinda funny…yeah and you are talking to it. What do we say to the god of death?…😂🤣😂🤣 Well you just told him "not today".😂🤣 Like the waif told Arya that arya wasn't paying attention if she thought jaqen was her friend…to begin with jaqen was not jaqen. Death isn't a friend…well it can be to that sick little girl. But death always meant to kill arya when she was ready to become no one…nothing…died. Also during the lying game Jaqen tells arya that she is lying to herself…to the many faced god… that could have been meant as "to me the many faced god". Like a vid I saw online about the house of black and white saying how they are many faces and there are none.. yeah cause they aren't really there….all the gods are just death…they are one and they are nothing. Well something is there but its not a person. The waif telling arya that her death was promised to the many faced god…yeah to jaqen….its her becoming no one. When she didn't kill lady crane she passed the test and could be no one. But the question is, is she no one?.
    A. The waif did kill her before she "killed" the waif. And her soul returned to death as no one. She just doesn't know that she is dead…she doesn't know that the price to pay for the ability to protect/avenge her family was her own life instead…only life can pay for death. Before she got stabbed she wanted to go home…she choose to go home to protect/avenge her family…it would be her choosing to pay the price.
    B. Arya survived and isn't died but jaqen just thought she was. But she wasn't willing to die to become no one.

    And it explains why he was freaking out when arya told jaqen to kill jaqen…you can't kill someone who doesn't exist and who is already dead….death can't kill death….its death. 😁

    Also in greek mythology giving a bearded ferryman a coin isn't something good. He transports the souls to the underworld. Arya might already be dead… jaqen had her face…he asked her if she really wanted to be no one…aka he asked her if she was sure she wanted to die..cause then she would belong to death and be no one. Its the whole free will thing. Jaqen gave her the coin…he couldn't teach her to be like him in westeros she had to come to the house of black and white. She had to choose to die by going to purgatory….the house of black and white…life and death. The little girl that came to die could have simply been on her deathbed…between life and death.

    Well arya prayed for death and it came to help her…but at what cost? What must she pay for the ability to protect and avenge her family? Personally I think either she already paid it with her life. Or she is kinda an angel of death already. In the end she might have to kill someone. If AA getting reborn means someone needs to get resurrected to awaken the dragon in s8…in order to be resurrected you first need to die. Arya's dagger looks ceremonial. She might sacrifice someone she loves in the end. I hate that idea, but it would be a fitting payment. But I kinda think she already paid the price…she could very well be the angel of death.

  2. I have to say I'm loving the increase in production value we've seen lately. Great work as always Gemma, please don't ever stop. I can't live without your videos. This chapter was a great, yet frustrating one as you said. Again Ned got within inches of the truth but it slipped through his fingers yet again. It's masterful writing on George's part. He has a way of building these small peaks and valleys of tension throughout the books without it ever feeling contrived.

  3. Is there actually any hint of Young Griff at this point in the books? I feel like his character came out of nowhere and was a later addition to the story. Apart from maybe the mummer's dragon vision in book 2, I can't think of any foreshadowing of such a seemingly important character. This is out of character for GRRM, and makes me believe that Aegon's plot will mostly be a red herring and will accomplish very little in the end.

  4. I actually think that Varys really DOES serve a very warped idea of the "realm" in is head. That's one of the major points of the series : again and again, we see characters convincing themselves of their own narrative and justifying themselves by a socially acceptable cause, to the point they start to believe it themselves. No one is a villain in their own story, afterall.

    We see this with Cersei obsessively having to remind herself how much she "loves" her children when she really only loves the IDEA of them, Tywin claiming to put the Lannister family above everything while treating his actualy familly very poorly. Also Robert is the classical romantic example, and much is made of him loving the IDEA of Lyanna Stark, the Wild Wolf Woman Child, rather than the actual person, whom he barely knew.

    Varys is another one of those self-deluded anti-heroes. He probably thinks that the end justifies the means, and by slowly grooming Aegon into becoming the perfect king, he'll do much good to the realm and the people. Nevermind all the people who will die horribly in the numerous wars he participated to orchestrate.

    Anyway, that's why this series are so delightful! As a clinical psychologist, I cannot begin to tell you how many people self-delude themselves about their own feelings and values to avoid feeling guilty about something or to justify themselves. We all do that to various degrees. It's very human.

  5. It was an interesting chapter. Many questions… Mostly…If Varys is pro targaryens why did he (presumably) protect Gendry (and not the other basterds)? He has a claim wouldn't it be easier if he died 2 (especially now that Robert wrote 'when the the heir…'. It would be much easier for any targaryen to take the throne when their isn't someone else with a claim.

  6. Thanks Gemma!!  Reliving these chapters with your voice and commentary is an absolute delight!  I am 100% certain you're a teacher, and a really good one at that!  Keep 'em coming, my favorite Ned chapter is approaching.  Big hugs from Honduras!

  7. Gemma! woo hoo 🙌.. love the way u say kitTen..😁 that's the way I say it.. I didn't realize I was being British..I believe I shall continue to say it that way..
    Just shared ur link w/ the group.. u should pop in & say Hi, Miss YT rock star😋

    As usual.. loved this vid —
    As always.. appreciatecha

    Always a pleasure gemmie Lou 😘 Thanx!♥

  8. I can see Ayra wearing littlefinger face See and talk to >lord varys Maybe that’s a surprise reunion < will he betray daenerys in season 8 hmmm It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens and how he dies maybe he did see in the frames 🔥


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