Happy 100th, TWD!

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  1. The show overall has been going a bit downhill for a few seasons. That being said, I'm easily amused and will continue sticking it out, I like Negan and the saviours more than the Governor and the prison, but I'm getting a bit sick of the grandiose speeches and themes about claiming the world and shaping it and all that shit. I wish there was a series long side story about figuring out the outbreak origins and combatting it. I get that the show presents it as being ultimately unimportant and more about the individuals surviving in this new world, but it could have been a side story only ever touched on once or twice per season ? I dunno, clichèd or not, I like the trope of figuring out the outbreak source.

  2. ArcTanGent? I just stared at his hat the whole time and I can't come up with what it means… Like, is it a play on words about the geometric functions? Or just based on the functions of tangent and arcs??

  3. Overall I liked the episode alot, but my main complaint is the plot armor Negan is decked out in has NEVER been more visible. The Governor had the same problem, but it's just so much worse here.

  4. You know what, the show is running into some of the same issues it had with the Governor. His arc was also forcefully extended to two seasons, resulting in some fizzling confrontations before a satisfactory payoff. I suppose that this monotony would be easier to accept if Negan didn't stand in the crosshairs constantly only to never get shot. This episode made that really hard to buy.

    And wtf Father Gabriel? You just let Gregory take the car? That guy is also in need of some serious lead intervention.

  5. I just want to stop by and say, I'm against this as a concept. Was against it when you guys did for GoT and I'm against it here despite not even liking Walking Dead. I'll just leave my thumbs down and be on my way.

  6. It's nothing against Maggie, but the writers haven't really given us any scenes to show her leadership and why she would lead the hilltop over Jesus, it just feels like the writers forgot that Maggie was supposed to be a leader and just decided to put in lines where other characters would call her a leader

  7. Are we not going to address the fact that RICK COULD’VE RAN OVER TO THE CAMPERVAN ARMOUR AND SHOT NEGAN IN THE FACE OR SOMETHING. Maybe even knock him over the head with a gun and drag him over to the car but NO. That’s my only qualm with this episode, really!

  8. Just because it looks like every comment is negative, I thought it was a really good episode. Nothing amazing but I enjoyed it and glad the show is back. Also, I never can understand how ppl drop shows…I didn't waste all this time just to stop mid way and never see how it ends lol

  9. As much as enjoyed the first few episodes with Negan in, I kinda got tired of his over done posturing quite quickly. So, my gripe with the episode is this. If they can take out guards and lookouts with ease and from afar, why on earth did they not shoot Negan the moment he came out of the door and then give his Lieutenants the option of living or dying? A quick 'Look, we just killed your boss, wanna follow him to the grave or not?' A much better bargaining position. All I saw was them wasting an awful lot of precious ammunition on innocent windows.

  10. This episode could have been around 40mins, it felt more like a life time. The action was too quick, too much time was spent leading you in then the ending. Red eyed Rick's statement "we lost" lost me


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