Trust the King.

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  1. Extra up: Rick killing a guy, realizing the man was willing to give his life to protect a kid, as would Rick himself. Making it look like Saviors aren't much different from them. Well we know about their code of honor, yet Rick only been on the receiving end.
    Overall – episode was weak. Pointless and poorly made action made it almost unbearable to watch. Fixing this could give us a well rounded episode. Also the stealth…. Was I the only one who was looking for Legolas or the Arrow once two guys dropped with arrow to the head in one moment?

  2. I think the last 5 minutes of the episode undid all the hype built from the season 7 finale and the first episode of season 8, we spent all of season 7 seeing how powerful the saviours are, every time ricks group thought they'd had a breakthrough they got shut down. At the start of season 7 that was fine it showed a tough contender to rick (negan) but it got boring towards the end (look at the ratings). After the first episode I was super hyped for rick to finally kill negan and the group to move on after all this time but then boom were set back again and now all I can think is 'what will die first, negan or the series?'

  3. What about the amounts of ammunition that they wasted? What about that tiger ONLY attacking enemies and after eating their faces, the cat is completely clean from any blood…
    When Morgan taunted the walkers to the fence, dwyght shoots TWO arrows in such a short amount of time, it wouldn't have been possible with just ONE crossbow. This series has always been a bit cringey, but now is just stupid. Love it tho. Oh and the sheets of metal they put in the cars wouldn't stop a bullet from any gun.

  4. WHAT'S THE FUCKIN SURPRISE about Morales??? we keep posting his comeback for YEARS trolling and the makers saw it as the ultimate trolling from their sides.It's just like GoT,we all post our predictions and all JRRM has to do is choose what he likes.DUUUUH!

  5. i stopped watching last year before the mid break. watched reviews like this on this season and am glade i did. not good tv anymore. sad thing is they dont look to be trying to wrap it up anytime soon.

  6. hey whatculture, not sure if you're gonna see this or not, but you know the scene when Daryl was looking at the handcuffs? everyone immediately thinks of Merle from the rooftop scene in season 1, but I truly think it's a clear easter egg/ reference to the upcoming game Death Stranding that has Norman Reedus in it, if watch the game trailer you'll see he's wearing the same kind of handcuffs Daryl looks at, also, could it be possible that Game of Thrones inspired the first half of this season? in terms of how faced paced, and many cuts we're given? could it be that we'll get a time skip after the mid season finally? I mean, everything's being rushed for a reason, its gonna slow down drastically after the mid season, and could we possibly see the start of a new beginning? and by season 8 finale be introduced to the whisperer's?

  7. I didn't know Eric's death was coming before the episode aired, but as you watch it's so obvious that they were going to kill him. They tried to put so much emphasis on it but in doing so gave him more screentime than he ever has.

  8. I used to be so excited for the new seasons of TWD..this season I literally forgot it was even coming back on. Havent watched either episode yet. They slowly drained the show to death and season 7 finished it off. Its the same thing over and over. Some new threat bigger than the last shows up, people die, rick and most of the group save the day in the end.

  9. People complain there is no action no plot no threat
    Walking dead gives all of that and a returning character that people have wanted
    People complain that still nothing happens.



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