

  1. I think Varys is a master manipulator even more so than Baelish ever dreamt of being. Varys manipulation started way back when the Mad King ruled. If Varys REALLY wanted peace for the realm, why would he tell the Mad King about Rhaegar's plans to remove him from the throne? Varys and Illyrio had their discussion about "hurry and more time" regarding Drogo and the Dothraki movement. Varys was saying to Illyrio to hurry Drogo along to begin the attack of Westeros. Illyrio stated that Drogo would do nothing until his child was born. Just after that is when Varys informs Robert of Dany being pregnant. He knows what Robert will do. Robert orders Dany to be assassinated. Shortly after that is when Ned tells Varys that the king had a change of heart and to call off the assassination. Varys happily replies, "I'm afraid those birds have already flown and fear she is probably dead." Varys wanted Dany dead. What better way to speed Drogo up with an invasion? Not to mention he set Tyrion up to kill his father by finding Shea and Tywin together. He wanted Tywin dead. That left Cersei to rule with no one to tame her. Same for the Uncle Kevan who was doing too good of a job undoing Cersei's mess. There is way more to Varys. He is a Blackfyre. Now I'm just trying to figure out if he is actually a woman or the son of one of the female Blackfyre. "Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe."


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