Check out this Game of Thrones Season 7 Theory “Varys The Double Agent Theory”.

Where does Varys’ true intentions lie? With Daenerys? or with himself?

After Melisandre revealed that both her and Varys are going to die in Westeros, everyone has been asking How will Varys die? Is Varys an informer? Will Varys betray Daenerys, and will Daenerys kill Varys.

This video takes a look at all the evidence that hopefully answers the question, is Varys informing on Daenerys.



  1. I dont believe Varys is interested in sitting on the Iron Throne. I believe he wants to destroy the Iron Throne with the kings and queens. He truly serves the realm of men and nobody else. He thinks that as long as there is one ruler, there will always be death for someone else and he wants to stop that. I would really hate it if Varys dies in the next season. Hands down the best character in Game of Thrones!

  2. OMG! This was an excellent theory with great evidence to back it up! We knew she was going to be betrayed three times and everyone has been looking at Tyrion because of his strange looks and behavior, Dan & Dave you rascals!

  3. VArys is blackfyre and podrick will be "young griff" and jon conn is bronn. Especially how they get along and then with golden company on its way. VArys will have qyburn tell mountain kill cersei, podrick will be installed cause they been preparing him since the beginning. Think why whores didn't charge him, only a king or prince with I owe you will get free access. Whores who can say they bedded a king, they have been preparing the chaos so it will be easier to take KL. I was disappointed I thought littlefinger and VArys both were blackfyre playing together.

  4. Season 8: The golden company is coming to Westeros. They might not do the the Young Griff / fAegon storyline from the books, but it's more likely that Varys' conspiring is tied to the Golden Company or aka the Blackfyres. It's logical for the show to keep the Golden Company (with elephants and all, quite costly) for the last season. Despite not going for the fAegon storyline, they still can tie him to the Golden Company and thus the Blackfyres in a different way. Varys has been a double agent all the time, even during the time of Aerys. And i suspect that if he's not killed by Daenerys, he likely will be killed by Arya. The reasoning is that he might just be handled like Littlefinger because where Littlefinger sometimes was cocky and pushy, Varys is the Spider and thus rather feingning modesty and claiming to be for 'the realm' and 'the people'. However i suspect that it will come to light that Varys' too has been witholding and manipulating information in order to create chaos in the realm so the Golden Company could be called upon to help out during wars. This would then be the moment to take power back for the Balckfyres. So… despite that every war and chaos in the realms has had it's own players and ways of misinforming, it think it will be discovered that Varys played a big role in creating a web of lies and misinformation that shaped the right situations for chaos in the realm. And the reason that it also might be Arya that kills him, is that because of his manipulations he also will be the one that can be held responsible for the deaths of Rickard and Brandon Stark, and as well for the misinformation surrounding Rheagar and Lyanna, which actually set everything in acton a long time ago, but also his actions during his whole time in Westeros will be discovered as crucial betrayals. In the last episode of Season 7 we saw that Bran explicitly said: "' Robert's Rebellion was based on a lie ". I'm thinking that Varys will be exposed as being the main responsible for shaping that and other lies.

  5. your last point, on the last scene you reviewed is the most important one: an unanswered question, not addressed in the series either. The other links drawn lack unity in the sense of being facts that, according to your interpretation, show a double agent in action and even in his intentions. They lack unity for being scenes, acts, saids, that as discrete elements, need to be in relation to the whole structure at stake, that is, to mean something, to draw a story that makes sense, this elements as such cannot mean anything, yet you tried to hint, which is a starting point for presenting an hypothesis; but hints and intuition are a good source and place to start analyzing. I don't see any analysis being made, no series of events that would point an intention is concluded, and we go back to looking at some elements that could hold meaning and sense, even a project, such as yours'. But also, imagination and coherence demands of us to also postulate, therefore, many other intentions, meaning… But we can do, and you did not contradict, because it would be very difficult to, and I am certain that I conclude, is his allegiance to the people, the thick of Westeros and Essos, not the Masters, Rich, Clergy, Noble or Executives ruling… Going back to that last point, the truly one that may subvert everything we think of him, would make me think, imagine, not with any seriousness, but also not incoherently, therefore plausible fact, of a conspiracy of "spiders", as a non-religious order, nor bureaucratic, but political league of men who are now tired of betting on different monarchs/oligarchs, since they all have failed in keeping the realms safe and nurtured; unlike Baelish, who wants to sit on the Throne, as an Aristocrat, with legitimacy on his back, a dynasty and a Queen who would work with him, but truly beyond appearances not different from any other ruling families -unlike him, to make sense out of his actions and final outcome, treason to Dany, as all spiders would betray their Lord (like Qyburn), in which many would perish, but would destroy the last monarchy-legitimated regime: After the "wheel" is broken, one just needs to break the breaker of chains and if all is set in the right place, the entire of Westeros would become a sort of free-city states holdings, ranging from democracies like Athens, to noble republics, like Venice or Sparta, but never a tyranny… But even then, and this cannot be proven nor unproven, even then, raises the question, the main one at least, ¿how to ensure continuity? If the authority will lay in democratic terms, or at least in the hands of a few, never a monarch, never a few masters who would escape the Rule of Law, Institutionalization would have to be made and we are back at the beginning, forging a new wheel, a new bureaucracy. Son I may have to leave it there, its still plausible, but many many things need to make sense still. And if one is to claim that Varys wants what littlefinger, he'd be stupid not to address that there are at least 5 or 6 reasons as for why he is unfit to sit on the Iron throne. I believe he is not going to betray Dany: but maybe, after she seizes the throne, breaks it, he may have (or not) reasons, and the means to destitute her, or simply execute her and bring an ever newer, more fresh order. But we don't have hints that there is a society of spiders. And Qyburn, if he truly is working with Varys, could make a sort of "shadow council" in the end, for whoever wins… Now that seems very possible: but in itself doesnt make any of them traitors.

  6. When was the last time #Varys provided any valuable information? How could he not know what the game plan of #Cersei? and the whereabouts of #Euron? He is a master whisperer, right? and where are his birds? How could he not know Euron is trying to hire Golden Company? Either he is betraying #Dany or he is severely constrained by budget under Dany 🙂 … His character is totally being underused in TV Series, there was so much build up on his character, but, I mean in the finale he barely had a dialogue…

  7. Have you ever tought that the third betrayal Dany could suffer would come from Sam? He never met her and doesnt know her, he is Jon's best friend and the one to always push him to be the leader even tough Jon never wanted and now Jon succumbed to her rule and fell in love with her, lets not forget that he still doesnt know she burned his father and brother, he might do something stupid and Jon might kill him for it, his best friend, a bitter end indeed….

  8. This theory is way off, and you seem to contradict yourself. Does Varys crave the Iron Throne for himself, or was he trying to place Viserys upon it? Daenerys accused him of supporting her brother in that scene where she threatened him.

    Remember that the Lord of Light actually spoke to Varys when his chestnuts were roasting on an open fire. What did The Luminescent One tell him? Probably to support one or more Targaryens who would become the savior of the realm. If this is not so, then why does Varys, who consistently claims to champion "The Realm," support every Targaryen (whether actual or rumored) in the show (even the unfit Viserys)? He seems to be driven by blind faith (blinded by The Lord of Light, that is). Varys even supports Tyrion, the rumored Targaryen, and deemed it vital to smuggle him to Daenerys.

    Why do you think that the Red High Priestess knew that Varys' Ballpark Frank "plumps when you cook it" and knew what he was told in the flame? It's all connected! The Luminescent One (ahem, Bran Stark) has a one-track mind, and that is to find Azor Ahai. If there is to be a betrayal, it will be that Varys will throw his support behind John Snow once the latter'sidentity is revealed.

    I think that it's interesting that the ancient Targaryens received the vision to relocate from Valyria to Dragon Stone. Who would tell them this and why? Is it possible that the Lord of Light reached as far back as Ancient Valyria to light the path for The Prince Who Was Promised? There is no doubt about this in my mind.

    What else is interesting to me? How about the fact that rather than going "snap, crackle, pop," in the flames, Varys' nuts released a truth bomb when they burst? Does this mean that he has king's blood? Why does his name resemble that of a Targaryen, and why does he support all the Targaryens?

  9. Hot Pie knew about Jon Snow being at Winterfell as he worked at the Crossroads and overheard people passing through. I'm sure Varys knew Jon Snow was King in the North, he just hadn't considered summoning him to Dragonstone. Mellisandre told Dany she should do that because she had seen the visions.

  10. I actually think that most of the arguments in this theory are based on plot armor, and not actually indicative of anything other than that the quality of the show is declining due to the need to fit all of this plot development into very narrow parameters. Like, the cheesy (albeit necessary) dragon scene that just happened to save Jon Snow, or the fact that Benjen just happened to arrive at the right time. So there's just been a lot of lazy writing this season in general–so the evidence for Varys having a mole in Euron's fleet or at Casterly Rock is sort of moot–Occam's Razor–it's much more likely that it's simply plot armor. However, some of the other foreshadowing seems much more convincing. I ultimately think that the books will supersede the show in every which way, and make it look silly in comparison once the final season ends and the direction of the book series dwarfs that of the show.

  11. Maybe he really just wants peace for the realm, with him on the iron throne. But getting ther not by means of battle. The power to have a potent spy network is something to be wrecking with if used proper. He could often enough use the infomations to stop conflicts early on or even prevent them. I guess his motives are legit, but he will fail in the end. Afterall this world is build by and still ruled with violents. He may very well know "what may taken by sword, may only held with the sword" and he wants to stopp this. But he will fail for the very same reasons.

  12. They knew because Tyrion is a shit military tactician and Jamie knew every move his brother would make. And Arya was trained by a deity so there's no reason to assume why she cant easily slip past Varys eyes.


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