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We fight one of the most iconic bosses from SAO! then things things start to get out of hand with Matsix over who should rule over VRChat, TOMATO RAID!!! i chase one of the developers of VRChat around and epic Dab battles once more…

thankyou to the Loli Squad for being part of the Tomato Raid

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VRChat is FREE on steam! and doesnt require a VR Headset to play!

Outro Music -Tobu Colors –

Thankyou all for watching and supporting my channel, i love you all! please subscribe if you want more of these types of videos!



  1. Thankyou guys for the amazing support on this channel, the fact i am about to reach 7,000 subscribers is incredible! feel free to follow me on Twitter @Ryan1993uk i love you guys! 🍅


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