Welcome to The Normies group reaction video for Season 8 Episode 1 of The Walking Dead! Mercy!! What did you think of this Season Premiere 100th episode special of The Walking Dead? Let us know down below in the comments! We hope you enjoyed our skit/intro! Full credit goes to Lea Rabenko in Argentina for creating the awesome Game of Thrones styled Walking Dead intro!

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  1. Since this video is consistently getting blocked, we had to remove the song at the intro. We didn't remove the video because of 'hate'. Although there was lots of nitpicking it could be attributed to lots of people in the room. We are TWD fans and we will be watching.

  2. I haven't watched the entire discussion after the show yet, but I've been trying to figure out why Michonne hasn't aged in the future scene, and I'm pretty sure it's because she died. It's right there in front of our faces. Damn it.

  3. Carl the do-gooder…you'll get eaten by lions in the arena if he don't get smart…Dissapointing Ep..no payback..wanted to see Negan suffer..but no he laughs all the way to the end and is rewarded with Gabriel..emotionally I got zip..drip ..drip…drip

  4. Huge props to the fan that did the visual intro. So talented. Using the GoT intro song to go with a TWD reaction…not so good. Also, too many people who really don't seem to care about being there. Why are they? The nail-biter in particular, who gave the same "I don't give a shit" attitude in the S7 GoT reactions, too. 《sigh》

  5. You guys are being too hard on the show. Not every episode will knock it out of park. It was a solid new beginning to celebrate 100th.If you guys are really fans you should enjoy the experience or just stop watching. I enjoy your commentary but there is such a thing as too negative!

  6. It wasn't a filler episode, and they stopped acting like a bunch of bitches and actually went to war, so I liked it.

    No humans died? Are you memories that bad? They took out all of the lookouts and the reinforcements.

  7. I liked this episode except two things: Negan somehow dodging bullets & Why doesn’t Gabriel just shoot Negan in the truck? He’s literally holding a machine gun and Negan’s got a bat…

  8. First time I watched it I felt a bit underwhelmed and was kinda dissapointed… but when I watched it second time I realized that it's was a pretty decent episode. But I didn't like Rick's hallucination scenes or whatever they are 😛

  9. Loved the opening! Excellent animation and nice crossover. Rick's old man section is too soft focus to be real…is it a dream, a fantasy, or is he in the afterlife? The teary-eyed Rick might be him burying his daughter since she shows up as a little older girl. Looking forward to how this pans out….hopefully the writing will be less sloppy.

  10. I like how that entire opening was almost shot for shot the same scene from episode 1. Even looking under the car. It was clear they are trying to draw parallels. they're trying to make this feel like maybe its all been a dream

  11. This episode was kind of meh for me but, I always enjoy The Normies reactions. Chris was on point with the "Black don't Crack" comment cause it's true. Having said that, not enough of my Bae Will.


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