Let’s watch every deleted scenes from Game of Thrones season 8 and decide whether they should have been cut. Our word is final.

YouTube channel RedTeamReview has done the lord’s work and posted a video that strings together all the deleted scenes from the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones! Let’s watch (while we can) and discuss:

I will now give my unsolicited opinions on whether cutting each scene was a good idea or not:

Deleted Scene #1: Daenerys walks the grounds at Winterfell. The Unsullied stand to attention in her presence, the Northerners are more unsure, and one guy straight-up ignores her.

This should have been left in. If the show is trying to sell us on the idea that Daenerys is feeling disrespected by the people she’s supposed to rule, which is part of the reason she goes full Mad Queen later on, scenes like this could help.

Deleted Scene #2: Davos comforts a scared Northman who’s about to get thrown into battle

This is good. I like the subtle little joke about Davos’ age. I dunno if it adds much to the story but it’s good.

Deleted Scene #3: Alys Karstark dies defending Bran during the Battle of Winterfell

Eh, I don’t see the point of this scene. We didn’t know Alys at all, so this feels like introducing a character just to kill them and get some cheap sympathy points. It’s creepy but useless; cut it.

Deleted Scene #4: Sansa and Tyrion stab a couple of wights in the crypts and save Gilly and Missandei

In “The Long Night,” there’s a weird bit where Sansa and Tyrion resolve to charge out from their hiding place, knives in hands, and then…they don’t really do anything. Putting this scene back in plugs that hole, but I still don’t like it, because fighting was never Sansa and Tyrion’s strength. If anything, I’d put my money on Missandei and Gilly, who grew up in way rougher environments.

Deleted Scene #5: Daenerys dismisses Grey Worm from the post-battle feast, and then coyly makes excuses for Missandei when she clearly wants to join him

This should have been left in. Daenerys essentially burns a city for Missandei so it would have been helpful to see a bit of their friendship.

And there you have it! What do you make of the deleted bits?

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