Game of Thrones isn’t known for its laughs, but as Samwell Tarly, actor John Bradley has always made me chuckle. Think of the moment in “The Winds of Winter” when he contemplates life’s irregularities with a pompous maester, or when he tries to pretend he knows what the hell Bran is talking about when the two reunite in “The Dragon and the Wolf.” The guy’s got great comedic timing, and I think David Benioff and Dan Weiss write to that.

But when it comes to his work outside of Thrones, Bradley hasn’t done much comedy. On film, he seems to favor grim stuff like Traders or American Satan. But that may be changing. Last year, Brendan Cleaves directed Bradley in a short film, Roger, about a guy picking up his friend from the airport (or the train station — I can’t tell). Then things get weird. Check it out below:

Roger went to over 25 festivals, where both it and Bradley were nominated for multiple awards. I can see why — I love how chipper Bradley is in the face of what I’ll assume is the character’s swiftly advancing dementia.

According to Cleaves, Roger is a proof of concept short for a feature film that’s already been written, so if it’s successful enough, we could see more of Bradley’s comedic talents on the big screen. So if you liked what you saw, spread it around!

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