When Dune premiered back in 2021, it was largely met with praise and sighs of relief from science fiction fans who had been waiting decades for an adaptation that captured the magic of author Frank Herbert’s iconic 1965 novel. Director Denis Villeneuve’s dark and brooding vision of the bloody power struggle between House Atriedes and House Harkonnen was riveting.

However, it only covered the first half of Herbert’s book. We’ve been waiting patiently for Dune: Part Two, and now that patience has been rewarded. The first trailer for the sequel is finally here, and it looks epic! Check it out:

Paul Atriedes rides a sandworm in the trailer for Dune: Part Two

The backbone of this new trailer is a sequence where Paul Atriedes (Timothée Chalamet) rides one of the enormous sandworms native to the desert planet of Arrakis. It’s an exceedingly dangerous endeavor, and Fremen leader Stilgar (Javier Bardem) warns young Paul not to try anything flashy to impress his new love interest Chani (Zendaya). But of course you know he’s gonna. Paul and Chani’s romance also gets a large focus in the trailer, just as it will in the film.

We also get our first good look at Austin Butler as the villain Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, looking bald and terrifying as he duels in an arena, as well as Florence Pugh as the galactic princess Irulan. Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) also appears, decked out in new garb from her time with the Fremen, and there’s even a glimpse of Gurney Halleck (Josh Brolin), who we last saw heading into a seemingly suicidal battle during the Harkonnen coup.

Generally, this trailer got me pretty hyped. The costuming, the scope, the cast and effects all look amazing. Dune: Part Two is going to be quite an event when it releases on November 3.

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