Kit Harington as Jon Snow and Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark in Season 6, Episode 4. Helen Sloan/HBO
Like her onscreen counterpart Sansa Stark, Sophie Turner undertook quite the journey during her time on Game of Thrones. Morphing from an unknown thirteen-year-old actor to a young woman headlining one of Hollywood’s oldest superhero franchises (no matter what you thought about Dark Phoenix), Turner grew up on set, which explains her tearful last day.
As it ends up, her last day on set was during the filming of the Dragonpit scene where Bran was chosen as king. Watch the video below!
Not helping the tears: the very kind words from showrunner D.B. Weiss. “We had no idea, that you were going to grow up to be one of our favorite human beings.” With a compliment like that, how could you not cry?
And this wasn’t the first time Weiss and fellow showrunner David Benioff expressed their respect and affection for Turner, or her costar Maisie Williams (Arya Stark). The pair talked about the pair’s personal growth years ago at SXSW.
Turner was hardly the only cast member to get weepy during their final moments playing their characters. Kit Harington (Jon Snow) gave a heartfelt speech on his last day of filming. Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) was emotional, as well, though not quite so much as the Stark siblings:
Working on the same project for 10 years with the same set of cast and crew members and saying goodbye…we would have been bawling on the floor.
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