Every week, we merry Game of Thrones nerds take to our Facebook page to discuss the world of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. There was lots to talk about this week, from set reports to more of our Song of Ice and Fire read-through to some housekeeping matters.

But first, the show, which you can watch above. We talk about the latest news from the set of season 8 news until about the 13:55 mark, at which point our Song of Ice and Fire discussion begins. Enjoy!

The photos from the King’s Landing set in Belfast really are gorgeously detailed. Thanks again to the Stira Folding Attic Stairs company for snapping them:

As for A Song of Dan Josh, I’m enjoying the fact that we’re getting into the meat of the story. The moment where Catelyn arrests Tyrion is one of the key moments of the series and sets the characters on the path to the War of the Five Kings. It’s gratifying to go back over these chapters and see how carefully George R.R. Martin set them up. The Sansa chapter is a delight, too, in large part because her perspective is so unlike what we usually get in fantasy novels. Reading her early chapters, it’s stark how far she’s come.

And now the housekeeping: going forward, we’re going to be rebranding WiC Live as Take the Black, which is the name of our Game of Thrones podcast. Accordingly, we’re going to take the audio from these recordings and release them separately as a podcast, available wherever podcasts are available — stay tuned on that. But we’re still going to record these videos every Wednesday at 4:00 CST on our Facebook page. We have a big giveaway next week, so we hope to see you there!

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