The Take the Black Podcast is back, now redubbed Take the Black House Razor, after me, Razor. After our long hiatus, we’re excited to dig into all the happenings surrounding Game of Thrones season 8. Lady Isis couldn’t join us this week, but don’t worry. Your other favorites are all here, including Corey Smith and Cory Thone, along with WiCnet Editor-in-Chief Dan Selcke, who now hosts our sister podcast: Take the Black Live House Selcke, which is streamed live on the WiC Facebook page every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CST.

This episode is entirely devoted to catching up on the many bits of filming news dropped since shooting on season 8 began last year. We discuss the spoilers from the Winterfell set at Moneyglass, Northern Ireland, the gigantic green screen at Magheramorne Quarry, and the happenings at the King’s Landing set at Titanic Studios in Belfast. There are SPOILERS aplenty. You’ve been warned.

As usual, Take the Black leans heavily on the NSFW side (beware of F-bombs). And now, let her rip:

Don’t forget: Take the Black Podcast is now on iTunes! Please subscribe, comment, and download from there if you can. We’re also now on Blog Talk Radio, so try us there, as well!

If you want to listen to the episode directly, hit the link below:

Take the Black House Razor: Game of Thrones season 8 filming spoilers

We’ll be back every other week with a new show for your listening pleasure. Let us know in the comments below if you have a particular topic you’d like us to discuss. Valar Morghulis, y’all.

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