NOTE: Podcast uploaded with permission from “A Podcast of Ice and Fire”

— Episode 224 of APOIAF. Over four years since the last “Guys Night Out”, we return with a 4 person panel including Amin from A Podcast of Ice and Fire, Elio Garcia from, Aziz Al-Doory from History of Westeros, and Duncan (aka Valkyrist) from Vassals of Kingsgrave.

The guys renew their Winds of Winter predictions, talk about how being in the fandom has affected their lives, and discuss The Sons of the Dragon. They also share their general views on the state of the TV show and various characters (including the Stannis issue) and fandom theories, before wrapping up with a final aftershow.

Notes: Spoilers for all five books, all other published material, and up to the end of season 5 of HBO’s Game of Thrones.





  1. I agree with Elio’s comment around the 1:23:00 mark. As fans we have had a lot of time to mull over the material George has written so far. Because of that there are many wild and speculative theories out there. Where I agree with Elio is that sometimes the simplest theory or speculation is “correct.” I love our fandom and our awesome community. The theories and discussions we have are really engaging and entertaining. That said some of the tin foil theories created while we wait on the next book are pretty wild. I tend to agree that often the more simple explanation to a situation is the most true.

    The specific example to this is the Grand Northern Conspiracy. I dont subscribe to the notion that all these Northern houses are working together. Rather all of these different people are working towards and common goal… restoring house Stark.

  2. Cressen was the maester at Storm's End before Robert's Rebellion and then move to Dragonstone with Stannis.

    So we have at least one example of a maester changing castle. I grant you, he still serves the same family but since a maester is appointed to a castle and not the family, it still counts to have moved to another place.

    I wonder what happen to the maester who served the Targaryen on Dragonstone before Stannis arrived. Did he go with the exile Targaryen in Essos ? Or maybe he was sent back to the Citadel.


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