SPOILER ALERT: According to sources, Cersei Lannister might be forming an unlikely alliance that could spell doom for Westeros! Jessica Chobot has all the details on today’s Nerdist News!

How do you think this possible alliance will affect the GoT universe? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. 1. Euron has the Dragonbinder horn in the books, but they've never even hinted at him having it in the show.
    2. In the show, when we saw Cersei's prophecy scene, they left out the bit at the end about the Valanqar. That may be because they want to revisit that scene later (like the Tower of Joy scene) when her death is near, or because they're clearing the way for Arya to cross that name off of her list and they don't want to confuse people with the gender neutral aspects of Valyrian.
    3. There's already been two dooms. The doom of Asshai happened long before the doom of Valyria.

  2. If this is the last season, prepare for a Hollywood happy ending. No way it will be anything like the books. Or even in the spirit of the books. If they use Euron it will be to fill the role of the Waters guy in adwd he'll steal her fleet leave her broke ( prob won't even tie up that story arc) Danerys will play the golden company role. Her fleet breaks up. Lands in the stormlands.eventually taking the iron ore grin from cerci. The series will be Jon and Sansa vs little finger. Dany vs cerci. Dany and Jon both finally uniting to defeat the white walkers. Boy and girl fall in love make babies live happily ever after. The end. Think I'll wait for the book.

  3. My prediction for the series finale: All the kingdoms get wiped out. Only the White Walkers and/or the dragons are left. Men and women shal be no more… Humanity destroys itself for the lust of power.

  4. I always liked Jessica to an extent, she always seemed to be trying to act funny by being quirky. But not this video, no quirky "look me at me I'm a beautiful nerd" act, instead we get a beautiful girl delivering well written dialog to a good video without the 'quirky nerdy' act. Thumbs up.

  5. Horns are always mentioned in the book. There's a Horn with Sam, Horn with Greyjoy and a horn in Essos (dont know where…i forgot) But in the show, it seems D&D will never use this.

  6. thats what i was thinking too….sounds about right because euron would kill cersei and jaime ewould kill euron and a lannister would still be up for grabs for the throne and tyrion could be the one to talk sense to jaime and pass the throne to daenerys who is the rightful heir plus it would be a kinda sorry please forgive me for killing your dad if jaime handed it to daenerys on tyrion's behalf…….then daenerys and jon take on the white walkers

  7. I love how people assume he's going to have 1000 new ships when we see him just cause he's said it, maybe they could only make 500 new ones and add them to the large amount of ships he already has XD

  8. Mr. Ironman would certainly ally himself with Cersei just cause she has bigger tits than Danaerys, nevermind the chance to sit his fat ass on the Throne. I still think that Mr. #KingInTheNorth will remember that the Greyjoys screwed up with the Starks almost as much as the Lannisters, so he will get together with Miss Stormborn, and dear ole Petyr will do the same just because he's himself.

    I don't believe Martin will push for the apocalypse thing, people already had a hard time accepting some deaths, killing off just all Westeros would be mediatic suicide besides a very very lame ending.

  9. Cercei has had a bad husband before and I doubt she would want one even worse than Robert. However, if he complimented her and acted tough but nice, Book Cercei would be fooled. TV Cercei seems less likely to be fooled by nice words and she won't want to share power. I can see her making a bad alliance with him, maybe even sleeping with him, but not marrying him.


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