Back in July, I had the privilege of going to the third annual Con of Thrones in Nashville, Tennessee, where I appeared on panels, watched cast members break down the series, and talked to plenty of congoers about their impressions of the final season.

That last part was especially fun. Among many questions, we asked people — many of whom are wearing extremely impressive cosplay — what they thought of the ending of the show. What did the hardcore set think? Roll the tape:

Why am I wearing shirts that tight? That is not flattering.

Sorry, that’s not really your problem. ANYWAY, as you can see, although there were people who loved the way the show ended, the general consensus among the fans we talked to was that the ending, even if it was satisfying in concept, faltered a bit when it came to execution. Even within that, there’s a wide variety of opinion. As awesome as his cosplay is, I don’t endorse Khal Drogo’s opinion that the showrunners rushed the ending so they could make Star Wars movies — I don’t think we enough information to say that — but I do generally agree that the final six episodes could have benefitted from slowing down a bit and spending more time with the characters.

Most of all, I agree with the fan around 4:22. “Even if I’m gonna complain about anything, like it being rushed or something, it’s such richness that has been brought into our lives.” Hard agree. Just because fans might criticize something about the show doesn’t mean they don’t love it and appreciate what the people worked on it contributed, to pop culture and to our lives.

Also, good god, how great is some of this cosplay? We’ll have another video about that soon!

Next: “The Iron Throne” script gives more insight into why Bran was chosen as king

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