Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 prediction video. Today I want to talk about The Hound and his brother The Mountain’s scene at the Dragon Pit in the Season 7 finale. It’s no secret these two brothers do not like each other and when we learn why I think most of us have been waiting for The Hound to get his vengeance. When The Hound confronted The Mountain at the Dragon Pit I was very excited because I had no idea what was going to happen. I would have loved to see these two fight but I also loved the way The Hound handled this. Instead of fighting, The Hound gave his brother a very specific warning. He said, you know who’s coming for you, brother. You’ve always known. That is a very interesting thing to say but my question is what does it mean? Who is The Hound referring to? Who is coming for The Mountain? Did The Hound see something in the fire? What do you think he meant by this? Let me know down in the comment section. Thanks for watching!

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Outro Music: Light of the Seven Remix



  1. I really don't believe he was referring to himself as coming for the mountain. They heard somethingelse in the flames. The way he said it just sounded like a prophecy of a kind.

  2. Arya, The hound, Jon & Yliria will decide not to kill him instead cut his arms and legs off and keep him as a war trophy and charge citizens of flea bottom 1 copper coin to through s#$t and pi$$ at him

  3. In a world where no one can really stand against the Mountain, to whom can the meek turn to for justice? …to the Many-Faced-God! I think the Hound is talking about a faceless assassin in general. I also think that Arya is going to be the one who gets the contract for both the Mountain and Cerci.

  4. Hello Talking Thrones: Has anyone spoken of the chance that he was speaking of R'hllor?? The hound is only recently a convert and he wanted his brother dead for a long time. He seems very sure now, I believe he heard it in the flames. The mountain must have heard it when he was burning the hounds face as a child, (while sacrificing his brothers face he was given a vision of his own death for burning a future follower of R'hllor, kind of a self fulfilling prophecy) maybe knowing he was going to die made him an even angrier person.

  5. so my idea would be that the hound has at some point seen what the mountain must have known from a vision .. that he (the mountain) will be killed by person without face, that my have made the mountain paranoid having led him to kill all these more or less random people. so my bet really is on arya.
    i even wonder if the mountain had that vision when burning his brother, because it seems uncommon, maybe even soft for him not to have gone through with the kill.

  6. To me it is quite obvious that if The Hound was consumed by hot fire, The Mountain is going to have to be destroyed by cold fire. So I think The Hound was referring to this. He is a zombie, but not subdued to the White Walkers. Some cold fire dragon will have him for that.


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