Winter is finally here! Game of Thrones is back with a cameo from Ed Sheeran?? But does his cameo more than it seems? Jessica is thinking out loud (WITH POSSIBLE SPOILERS) on today’s Nerdist News!

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  1. The reason i didnt liked his cameo is because he ruins the fantasy of it all, WTF did they needed him? if they wanted a celeb to sing "the song" chris martin from coldplay would have been a better choice

  2. It means that this show cares ONLY about popularity and doesn't care about quality of writing, dialogue, or character development. Ed Sheeran being on this show CONFIRMS that they only give a fuck about popularity.

  3. The cameo was really heavy handed IMO and thus immersion breaking for anyone who knew who he was.

    I have no problem with the fact that Ed Sheeran was on Game of Thrones, I just didn't care for the way they did it. More the director's fault than Ed Sheeran's fault though.

    Also, while I didn't think they cameo was a good move the way they did it, I do think people are overreacting to it.
    Ultimately it was no big deal, nothing to lose your head over on twitter or whatever, but I do think it blunted the impact of what otherwise would have been a more powerful scene if we could just focus on the point of it, which was Arya seeing some Lannister soldiers as just some decent people doing jobs they don't really want to have in the first place and I think he fit in well with the show. He's got that 'inbred' look that a lot of the soldiers in the show have so he didn't look too out of place.

  4. The witch in the flashback from season 5 saw the Valonqar (Jaime) kill Cersei. What she didn't see was the Valonqar in question remove his face to reveal a young Wolf assassin. Remember you heard it here first.

  5. Thank you so much for going through the Lyrics here! And I have been predicting this for seasons!! I didn't read the books but from watching vids of breakdowns by people who have, I ended up hearing about the Valonqar prophecy. There has been hot debate for a LONG time on who the younger brother was in that prophecy! I predicted Jamie a long while back on the show, if the show decided to follow the prophecy at all. And ESPECIALLY after seeing Tyrion kill Shay, I knew there was no way in hell he could ever bring himself to kill another woman. Plus, is it poss for him to choke a woman with his hands? The prophecy says he wraps his hands around her neck and basically chokes the life out of her. Tyrion has very small hands. But of course now Jamie has a gold, inorganic, non-movable hand too. Not sure how that will work. BUT, I'm still SURE more than ever that it's Jamie. He's the one who is much more emotionally close to her and a choking death is a VERY emotional-based killing (as we saw with Tyrion v Shay). I think strongly that Jamie will kill her to either protect someone dear (Tyrion or Brienne?) or protect a much larger populace/keep her from doing something incredibly insane… much like the Mad King. But then look for J to poss take himself out right after due to guilt. (ala Tomlin) They are twins after all. I hope not but he might.

  6. How did I get added to this stupidity? I didn't subscribe, and I certainly don't give af about poorly made, childish tv fantasies. Wtf? Removed myself from the Nerdist, but didn't add myself in the first place. Here's hoping it sticks.

  7. The ging_ Ed was alright. Jessica, I want you to see the shape of my nuts, and see the shape of me- going balls deep in to you. See, my Ed Sheeran jokes are funnier, and hopefully with more likes. Hey if this comments gets a thousand likes, will you send me a photo of your mom wearing a x- mas sweater? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Lmfao!!! I'm sorry, you know how it is when you've been doing meth for 9 days and ya killed your parents last night?😚
    I confess, I have a horrific mind after working night shift, I don't actually do meth and my folks are awesome, I'm visiting them later today and helping my dad build a shed. I am hoping you can see the warped humour but if not then I apologize filly

  8. Don't hate him, I just thought he (and the scene in general) was "out of place". Pretty boy with little acting skills. He was there to smile and spontaniously burst into song, with a voice too pretty to feel normal/realistic; it added very little if any.

  9. That one direction comparison was the worst example you could have possibly made 😄 whoever wrote this could have considered that one of their members just starred in a fucking nolan movie and proved to be more than worthy of the challenge.


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