What Happened to the Mountain? Plus, More ‘Game of Thrones’ Theories Answered

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Source: HBO
By Gabrielle Bernardini

Fans are on the edge of their seats as they patiently (but no so patiently) wait for the final season of Game of Thrones to air in April. While most of us are expecting to find out who will live or die (My money’s on Cersei definitely kicking the bucket) in Season 8, we also have been left with a ton of other questions.

Like, who will sit on the Iron throne? Will Jon Snow and Danerys Targaryen end their incestuous relationship? Is Bran Stark actually the Night King

While there are a slew of unanswered questions, fans are still confused about what exactly happened to  Gregor Clegane aka The Mountain? 

Is The Mountain a zombie? 

The Mountain (played by the current World’s Strongest Man Thor Björnsson) is Cersei Lannister’s right hand weapon. He does whatever she tells him to do, which mostly consists of killing her enemies. Ser Gregor is shielded for the most part in battle armor, but through the small slit of his helmet we can see his red eyes and blueish-tinged skin — something that has prompted speculation he is more dead than alive. 

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