Hi Guys, after a nice break I’m finally back with my video following the Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale.

In this video I will be going over What Happens in Game of Thrones Season 8 theories which picks up from each of the plot lines in Season 7, and where they will end up in season 8!

This will also technically be my Game of Thrones Season 7 FINALE explained video!



  1. I think Jamie will die and become a Wight then kill Cersei when the Night King takes Kings Landing so that if only she had helped instead of being a selfish b***h both she and Jamie might have survived.

  2. Given the way the story played out, it seems quite obvious the Night King has Green-seer skills and influenced the venture of Jon and Team to the North to attain the Dragon, Viserion…

  3. Nex , neither you or anyone one else talks about how the maester said someone sent a message saying…. "the drowned god will rise to kill argon the conquered. DOES THIS FORESHADOW EURON KILLING JON????

    It's pretty important and no one talks about it

    Like the horns. It's on the cover of the next book. Shireen touches the horn sam found when she is talking to her dad in the lord commanders office. To important to leave them both out of the shows.

  4. There are 3 heads to the dragon that are the last Hero. Jaime, Jon, and Dany.

    Jaime is the literal Azor Ahai's three steps — his "Sword" was first quenched in Water (the hot tub & trying to take out Dany and Drogon). Then his "sword" is quenched one last time in his sister Cersei, the Lion. A pregnancy starts, but it will miscarry. — just as his 3 children with her all perished and went nowhere to move Westeros further toward enlightenment That was a deleted scene and will no doubt show up in Season 8. Finally, Jaime will plunge his "sword" into his true love — Brienne. Their child will rescue the world. Jaime might die in Brienne's arms, but Tyrion will raise his son for him.

    Jon and Dany will make a daughter. Dany might die in childbirth, but Varys will protect the child with his life. Missande will get the girl to safety.

    Mel will sleep with Bran to make a warging shadow baby that jumps onto the undead dragon and cuts the dragon glass out of the Night King. Bittersweetly, Jon will drop dead, as he is a fire wight, as Mel will die making the shadow baby or getting caught in the crossfire.

    Bran and Sam write the story to tell the babies and little Sam.

  5. Jaime actually didn't reunite Edmure Tully with his family. Walder Frey told Jaime he placed Edmure back in the Twins dungeons after Edmure surrendered Riverrun.

  6. My vote is for the Hound to be the little brother killing Cersei. He has to be in King's Landing for the Clegane bowl. He also asked 'what did they do to you?' a key to what he is really feeling.

  7. 4:39 Tyrion…. if he decided to help his sister… my question is why did the writer make him appeared intelligent and practical only to transition him into a complete idiot and maron like his sister…??? I hope that if he did agree to help her…it was a trick

  8. My theory, and I hate making this pessimistic assessment and I certainly hope I'm wrong, is that season 8 is going to suck worse than season 7. Sure, S7 had some great parts and some great action but let us be realistic in our thoughts about it. They could have made 10 episodes for S7 and they could have done a much better job writing it and filling in gaps and holes. Sadly, I have very little hope  S8 will be anything more a giant clusterfawk of nothing making sense and more holes, questions and WTF's with boat loads of CGI eye candy. I barely started watching GOT in season 6 and I'm glad I didn't have to wait 8 years for the major disappointment that is coming our way in this last season. I hope I'm wrong.

  9. One more thing I'd like to suggest, which you mentioned…everyone assumes that the Night King is headed for Westeros and Westeros COULD be where the final battle with the army of the dead takes place. If we give him credit for having the foresight and patience to plan everything out for thousands of years (waiting for the exact right moment to kill and raise a dragon), can't we assume that he's smart enough to avoid the most heavily fortified and protected part of the North (Westeros) and head elsewhere (King's Landing)? This of course assumes that Westeros and/or the Isle of Faces aren't his goal. That might also explain Dany's earlier vision/dream where she is walking in a snowy, decimated King's Landing.

  10. I've watched a lot of theory videos. I have yet to see one thing brought up. If Euron is going to pick up the Golden Company, what's to say he doesnt keep them for himself to take Westeros? Why does he need Cersei if he has the Golden Company? Also, what happens if Theon takes our Euron prior to Euron returning to Westeros with the Golden Company? Can Theon hijack them to turn the tide of the war?

  11. Is everyone’s brains exploding trying to figure out how all of this will go?
    Like is it going to be:
    First three episodes is the white walker war, last three episodes are the golden company?
    Or it’s going to be all mix with golden company on this episode and the white walkers on that episode

  12. i think Jamie and Tyrion will turn against Cersei. Jamie will defect to Danerys' side and there will be a showdown for the baby, final battle @ King's Landing. My reason is just purely fan service, and obv foreshadowing in Dany's vision. There will be a white walker decimation of Winterfell and final battle at King's Landing

  13. When the north finds out the crazy info that their so called king of the north happens to still be half stark and not half prostitute but rather half targaryon they will react just like America did when they found out that Obama was born in Africa. I mean how could the north ever live with the fact their leader just happens to be half stark when they all believed so long that he was half stark? I for one would cut my own head off before my mind was blown by itself. I mean what about the other midget in the show the woman in charge of bear island? She just had to fight the orcs to protect her cousins gold while not letting her distrust of the elves cause her to be unable to fight along side them while helping the humans who's town was just destroyed by a dragon that was woken up by some illegal immigrant from the shire. Has anyone including GRRM thought about her feelings? Someone will have to bang her this season so she may calm down a bit when hearing the news for first time.

  14. I think Tomon will be who kills Cersei. We never saw him hit the ground so I can only assume he passed into a black hole right before he was to hit the ground. So it's pretty simple to take from those facts the same black hole will open again as cersei is walking by only for Tomon to fall on her killing her and he living only to become azur ahai.

  15. I believe Euron is the valencar, remember he said he had "two good hands" and he talked to Jamie about talking as "brothers" may seem like a stretch but it's something, and those quotes might sound as a joke, maybe D&D wanted us to brush past those lines, but idk, might be foreshadowing, plus Jamie only has 1 hand, and it could be tyrion, but still not certain.

  16. Tyrion looked troubled when jon and danny were fucking because cersei told him that if she were to ever have a child he would kill it, he took this deal without much thought because danny has said multiple times she will never be able to bear a child

  17. Maybe the night king chose now because of how vulnerable and weak the seven kingdoms are, jon snows (his biggest threat) birth, the bleeding comet, brans powers awakening. The walkers live for thousands of years and they would have no problem being patient and building their strength 8,000 years seems like a blink to them. But tbh it could be anything thats caused the night king to strike now guess we'll just have to wait and see

  18. I thought Baelish got his due and when he killed Lysa in front of Sansa, I knew it was only a matter of time. They jumped around a bit too much with the sisters relationship, but in the end it was satisfying.


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