A look into the how HBO may translate the Lady Stoneheart sub-plot form “A Feast for Crows” into the show. (A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin)

00:00 – 01:06 Intro
01:06 – 02:42 Lady Stoneheart Summary
02:42 – 04:26 Oathkeeper
04:26 – 10-20 Lady Stoneheart Final Scene
10:20 – 12:38 Game of Thrones Season 7 and 8 Prediction
12:38 – 13:20 Outro

This video goes out to Lauren!!!!!

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Lady Stoneheart Artwork: zippo514.deviantart.com/art/Lady-Stoneheart-376468095



  1. I love your suggestions even if they turned out very differently between the books and the TV series! The first being much richer but I imagine quite impossible to translate into a TV series. As it is I think they have a great job of their task at hand. Season 7 was possibly the least good of the lot but then they do not have GRRM writing to lean on never the wonderful wit the author gave Tyrion… All the same I enjoy both and love predictions… it makes the waiting between seasons more tolerable and having debates such as these are both informative and fun… so thank you 🙂

  2. You know, in a way you're right. Sorry for only having seen your video now. In season 7, Littlefinger was sort of the wildcard for Sansa to use to have Brienne going after Jaime (not exactly). She already have something in mind or rather has a plot in mind to exterminating Baelish. If Brienne stayed, then she would have to go and Littlefinger would be suspicious about the other Starks around. He did use Jaime to bait her to get her ass to Dragonpit.

  3. honestly I think the night king gets his hands on a dragon and rides around getting the dead to join him and she pops up and scares some folks, but I mean are we being realistic here where dead bodies deteriorate or it it some walking dead bullshit, the army of the dead in the frozen north makes a little more sense, I mean they're going to be better preserved, or can he not raise the dead in the south? if the night king stays south then he's just not that dangerous, he has to cross

  4. the Book is probably called "winds of winter" and has the Dragonhorn on its cover for a reason. I say the Ice Dragon will submit to whoever has the horn.

    Question is, will the night king die before that?


    The biggest death upset in the show will be arya. She is going to reach kings landing to kill cersei, and just before she is able to do this, the mountain will kill arya.. this is the cliffhanger season 7 finale.

  6. I doubt they will. But if they do we might be disappointed. As she will not be doing what we expect she will be doing. The things they are teasing for it are probably just nods to it. Same as they have done with other characters. Cold hands ends up being Benjen Stark, they also take a nod to Gravedigger with Sandor digging graves for the father and child that he encountered before.

  7. I'm still bitter about them not including Lady Stoneheart in the show. It would have been such an iconic water cooler moment in TV history. Instead, we get lame sand snakes and a love story between grey worm and Messandei.


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