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Long Note Two by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



  1. Let me know what you guys think! This is sort of what i'm thinking may be the case but i can definitely be wrong. I will be posting a secrets of Dragonstone video this week along with some other Season 7 theory videos. If you guys got any suggestions definitely post them below!

  2. It cant be Gendry because for all what everyone knows he was slain by a soldier using needle, also I don't think he would give away his parentage to some random pirate. Although it could be possible if Euron was threatening to kill him and Gendry trying to find reasons to be kept alive shouts i'm the kings bastard.

  3. Euron's gift, if Gendry, would be that he is seen as her first son with Robert.
    The one thought to be dead from fever as a babe. Imagine her joy to have one child left.
    But he won't actually be Cersi's son – she will want to believe he is.
    But still, he will not be Euron's gift – the Sand Snakes and the mama will be. And Yara.

  4. I feel Jaime will kill her, his character has grown, he has empathy for human suffering, because he has suffered and felt empathy from others.
    Brianne gave him that.
    Cersi has become monstrous, Hitler like, no love, no empathy, loves power and destroying other lives.

  5. The Dragonhorn is not a gift. He will keep that secret in case Cersi betrays him, he is too cunning to give such power to a woman. He'll use that himself, against anyone, including all who threaten his claim to reign.

  6. The ones who murdered her daughter, and may kill her daughters in front of her, and lastly, may keep her alive or one of her daughters if she gives up Tyrion.
    He sent her daughter to Dorne, to keep her safe.

  7. It's a real stretch to think it has anything to do with Gendry–that guy is just not in a position to prove squat about who he is, nor would he step up and risk the Queen sending either the Mountain, or just a mountain of men to dispatch him. Now the Dragon horn makes more sense, than that. But Tywin was quoted as saying that "armies win battles, not Dragons". Remember in the arena the Dragon was hurt pretty easily, and remember in the battle for Winterfell how quickly they brought down a Giant with that "commercial grade" cross bow? No, anyone ready for the Dragons, will kill the Dragons IMO. No, Euron will bring Tyrion, THAT will make the Queen orgasmic, she wants him bad, bad, BAD. Then, she will promise to marry him, but her promises don't mean squat, so no worries for that. And when she has him, she can leverage him with the Dragon Queen, and put her in a bind–what can she concede to get him back? One last thing, Peter Dinklage is a huge fan favorite, so having him taken as hostage, and in real fear of torture and death–I doubt the writers can pass on that story line. Just too ripe.

  8. Though, I did like your video… you can't be more wrong as what his "gift" might be. With all three of her children gone, Gendry is a non-factor… he wasn't much of one anyway, because he's a bastard. Plus, not many people are aware of what he looks like. So, Euron wouldn't have known his value to Cersei had he'd captured him… he more likely would have made him a deck hand or sold him into slavery. As for DRAGONBINDER I really don't expect they will introduce such a powerful weapon at this point of the story… plus, there's that thing with burning the users insides, to messy. I truly believe his gift will be some of the main traitors… in particular, Ellaria Sand & the Sand Snakes… at least, a couple of them. Remember, Ellaria is responsible for killing Cersei's only daughter, Myrcella with a kiss… so, Cersei has a score to settle. We all know how she likes to settle those scores… just ask Septon Unella… I wonder how her and Ser Gregor are getting along?

  9. Hmmm. I feel like Cersei wouldn't give two flea bottoms about Gendry anymore. Or any Baratheon bastard. Dany, Tyrion, and possibly even Jon, are her biggest worries and concerns. Not to mention, Euron wouldn't know that gendry is of any use to him. He originally wanted to side himself with Dany. He only changed to Cersei after Yara and Theon escaped and joined up with Dany instead. I believe his gift will be Tyrion because Cersei holds the most hate for him. She blames him for Joffrey, for Marcella and for their father's death.


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