
Uncle Benjen is a mysterious mysterious ice cold coca cola.

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  1. There's something that bothers me. Benjen said the Children of the Forest saved him by shoving a piece of dragonglass into his chest. What did they save him from? What would he have turned into? A wight? Or a white walker? I don't think he would've just been dead. So if they shoved dragonglass into his chest, why didn't his eyes turn blue? Was he unconscious when they did it? How did the Three Eyed Raven contact Benjen? He told Bran that the Three Eyed Raven sent for him. I wonder if that was before or after he was stabbed by a white walker. I read somewhere that people think Benjen knew what was going to happen to him and to Jon and that that's why he kind of tried to encourage Jon NOT to take the Black. I don't think Benjen accidentally disappeared. But then again, I don't know! There are tooooooooo many questions that they BETTER ANSWER in season 8.


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