The Faith of R’hllor, The Lord of Light, the Red God … it goes by many names but what is the faith of R’hllor and what do the Red Priests want?

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  1. Nice. Especially that point near the front. GRRM doesn't believe or like the idea of gods. And I think this is the point that trips most people up. They want to know if the seven are real, the fire god, the black goat. But GRRM knows that a lot of times things happen that could be interpreted as divine hand. A dream that could be random thoughts from the day that question what we did against beliefs we used to have or try to ignore, or might be passed spirits guiding you back, or might be powers in the world breaking in and manipulating, or god himself. The nature of Jamie's dream, that is probably the best example we will ever get to the question of a real god in GRRM's asoiaf.

    The real history, it's possible the historical background might become more clear. But in the same way I don't think that will go past a certain point. It will seem very straight forward until you read the words maester Yandel and maester otherguy and you'll get the mental equivalent of feeling like the edge of a rug just hooked itself over your toes and you almost fell. And like Theon you won't be sure if the sound of laughter you hear is imagined or if GRRM is the 3 eye'd crow and he's real and by reading the book or watching the show he's bound you to his power. Yup, GRRM is the Night King and the story is the spell that takes you. And the irony is that you cast the spell yourself, unaware. lmao.

    Serious though, good points. It doesn't seem like a dragon religion but certainly one they would have enjoyed or promoted.

    Your thoughts on a couple of details. The statues she burns came from the Sept on Dragonstone. In the Hugor story there is the note of 7 swan maids. I believe the ones they burn were described as made from ship masts. It would be interesting if those were Swann ship masts from the summer isles. Opens the door to Summer pirates being defeated or for the people in the boats being Andals who broke their ships to build homes and used the masts for their gods. But with them being on Dragonstone and with the Dothraki calling westeros the land of the Andals, was Essos ever really home to them?

    The other one is the wall. Everyone always kinda agrees it's weird that an ice wall was built to keep the others out. And it would seem easier for ice people to have built it. But what about water wizards? They don't say the word ice, but they talk plenty of walls and spouts of water. Having a water wizard hold water in place till it freezes? I can't think of a more accurate idea of how to build an ice wall. Could water wizards make ice armour that reflects it's surrounding like a pond?

    If there was a fire and ice war between the shepherd people that found the dragons. Maybe the fire god is the dragon god. And maybe the war isn't over…

  2. Hello Robby..interesting video boy..I have always think the Faith of Rhilor is inspired by the ancient Sumerian Gods of Zoroastrianism and the Greek God of Light Apollo ..The Sumerians they had believes that their gods[Annunaki] they created the world by fire and blood[as the Rhilors priests believes too in GOT]..The Sumerians Kings/Queens before they start to ruling ..they had been forced to had sex with those Red Priests/less and to during the ''process''to drink their blood or to make blood sacrifices.believing that blood will help them to success in their ruling ..Also i believe that AA was Rhilor himself and the nissa nissa his love was Red Priestless..In Homers Iliad the Greek God Apollo[the Greek Lord of Light] was in love with Cassandra [the younger sister of the Trojan King Priam ]..Cassandra was one of his priestless..He give in her the gift of the prophesy and fells in love with her …but she rejects him and he said to her that nobody will believe her prophesies..even and if those fullfiled ..She later dies stabbed in the heart with a knife or sword[in the same way with nissa nissa]by Clytemnistra [the wife of the Greek King Agamemnon]..Also Apollo was and a great warrior..he in the Iliad helped the Trojans against the Greeks and described as a shiny warrior ,with a shiny helmet and a shiny sword[similar to AA/Lord of Light fighting the WW in the Long Night]who caused fear in the Greeks hearts with his appearance only in the war .I think GRRM has inspired the Lord Of Light religion and the Red Priests /less by Apollo and his followers ..They had too much similarities….Also i dont think the MK was become crazy without reason..that had something to do with the Red Magic..Maybe Thoros [trying to convert him]or the Lord of Light himself caused his paranoia making him to see visions of the WW and to think that peoples close to him are servants of the Great Other who deserves to be burned with Wildfire..The same happened with Cassandra [who i talk below]and Apollo..He cursed her to see things on visions ..but nobody to believes her prophesies and all had been thing that she was crazy…you see the similarity there.. Also i do thing too..that the Rhilors religion is a dyadic religion… but as the Hound says he is just another gray god more like the Gods from the Greek Mythology[who are bad and good also] than the kindly God of love from the Bible ..He can help the humans to fight the WW ..being their hero AA,LH,TPTWP and their legends..but also he can order his priests to burn childrens,to make blood sacrifices and to make slaves the peoples/zealots who believes in him..Its a very very controversial God..What do you think?

  3. Religion is always an interesting and controversial subject. It all boils down to control in the end. Without a belief system (ie: religion, politics, etc) its much harder for those who wish to rule to congregate the masses and bend them to their will. Humans will always look to a “higher power” seen or unseen, for answers of what they can’t control or explain. Looking forward to this series!


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