Game of Thrones is famous for its gigantic cast of characters, and while The Vault is much smaller in scope, it’s similarly filled with larger-than-life personalities. It’s a heist film, after all, and that means Walter needs a crew. In this case, that includes Freddie Highmore’s young engineer, Thom, Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey as the charmingly deceptive Lorraine, Sam Riley as James, a former special forces operative, and plenty more.

“I’ve worked with an incredibly talented bunch of people and it shows on the screen,” Cunningham says. “It’s a proper ensemble piece. Everybody’s got their story.”

That group appeal is a large part of what drew Cunningham to both The Vault and HBO’s fantasy hit. “The ensemble thing really works. That’s why I like Game of Thrones as well, proper ensemble,” Cunningham says. “Very difficult to write for, very difficult to get right. But when you do, it’s incredibly rewarding.”

In fact, Cunningham enjoyed his time with the rest of The Vault‘s cast so much that, if they all returned, he’d love to rejoin them for a sequel. After all, The Vault ends on a minor cliffhanger (although it also functions as a well-executed punchline, if a follow-up never materializes), which could pave the way for further adventures. “I’d be more than happy to get on board, especially with the same team,” Cunningham says. “They were wonderful to work with.”

The Vault is currently available in theaters and on all major video-on-demand services.



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