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Welcome to another episode of TV Fights! Join host Roxy Striar and fact checker Billy Business as fighters fight it out about all things TV!

ROUND 1 What TV character would make the best Starfleet captain?
ROUND 2 What Trek character should host their own talk show?
ROUND 3 What was the best episode or moment that went deep and dealt with social issues?
ROUND 4 Pitch an episode that sees two characters from different #StarTrek series team up.
ROUND 5 What was the most stand out moment from the Star Trek Discovery series premiere?

1) Either: a – Refresh the page OR b – Turn your annotations off and back on (do this by clicking the gear icon on the bottom right of video’s progress bar)
2) Scroll over the white circle with an “i” in the middle (aka The iCard) and cast your vote! You can change your vote as the round progresses!
3) Repeat each round!

Support our panel:
Roxy Striar
Billy Business
Dan Murrell
Robert Meyer Burnett
David A. Goodman

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  1. For me, Fraser as Captain.
    Garak should host a talk show. (I said this even before it was suggested in the video), Q could also work.
    There were a lot of good social issues but the EPisode inter Arma einim silent Leges.
    Iwould like to see QUark and Spock team up (although that dynamic might be a lot like QUark and Odo).
    I haven't seen discovery yet and from what I have heard, am not that enthusiastic.
    (They suggested Guinana as a talk show host, you mean like the View?)

  2. The Best Episode Dealing with Social Issues was Star Trek Voyager's Living Witness (S04E23) for me. That episode made reflect about our interpretation of history, which is always biased in the view of the victor. It affected me so much that I began to question the version of history that is being fed to me.

  3. I would have picked Jon Snow over Dany as a Starfleet captain. Jon would be perfect as a captain, given that he is already established as a war leader, he can fight and has lots of battle experience, makes utterly selfless decisions, he tries to bring different races together, he sees the bigger picture while everyone else is focused on gaining power for themselves, and would absolutely give up his life if it meant his crew surviving. Dany is a conquerer, she is mostly out for herself and gaining more power – anyone who defies her orders would get executed or banished, and I don't see her giving up her life in order for her crew to survive.

  4. I love Daenerys, I want her on the throne, but considering Game of Thrones characters who could be starship captains, I'd definitely prefer Jon Snow or hell how about Lyanna Mormont.

  5. In regards to round 5 I look at it that this is early on in the federation, the idealism of the later series hasn't really sunk in just yet, at least that's how I perceive it.

  6. round 3. i would say the episode in NGT when they had to prove Data has rights like any other human and is not property and now Data was sad that Riker lost the case.

  7. Great show as always, I liked David a new guest, I thought his speed round arguments were very compelling and his response to losing at the end was golden

  8. Round two was all about what people watching might have watched. TNG is the most popular overall, DS9 second so and TOS while popular is less remembered, especially the precursor to Q. Not at all surprised by the voting on that one.

  9. Daenerys would be a terrible Star Trek Captain. I know little about the Trek, and even I know that. Daenerys relies too much on might makes right for her to be a Star Trek captain. She regularly just does things simply because she sees herself as correct with no plan at all on how to improve the places that she leads. Remember back in Season 5 where even slaves wanted to go back to their masters because of food, comfort, shelter, etc, and she had no plan for how to fix the economy after getting rid of slavery. It was just win because we're right and everything else will take care of itself. Those are good intentions, but there's more to being a ruler than just good intentions. Not to mention that she burned Randyll and Dickon alive simply for not following her. Does that sound like a Federation captain to you? When has anyone ever changed things for the better simply by saying that they are right and without trying to win hearts and minds? Not saying Daenerys is a bad character, but her flaws would prevent her from being a good captain in my opinion. Unless you want a bunch of fire and blood.

  10. Trekkie friends. Some interesting debate.
    My choices;
    Round 1 – Captain Jack Harkness
    Round 2 – Legitimately picked Guinan but since that was Dan's choice I'll go with The Doctor
    Round 3 – Far Beyond The Stars, by a country mile!
    Round 4 – Data and The Doctor
    Round 5 – Burnham's mutiny

  11. I could listen to this three talk Star Trek for a year straight, its amazing…oh and Roxy and Billy are amazing, they are what makes this show great, and would love to see them hosting movie fights as i stopped watching that

  12. Dan's face during and after round one says it all. David came off as obnoxious, rude and inconsiderate. Plus it's not really anyone's fault that he doesn't understand the rules of moviefights or the question/topic. He could've asked for clarification as Kevin Smith does so he can tailor his argument.

    Bozo comment was probably a friendly poke but he didn't come off as friendly at all.


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