Season 7 of Game of Thrones was fast-paced, crazy, kick-ass, cool, and it kind of sucked. Let’s talk about it! Game of Thrones! Woo-Hoo!

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  1. This season was fucking awesome. It was my favorite!!! Great episodes, great story telling. I had low expectations though because I'm smart enough to know that shows usually get worse with time and I didn't want to be disappointed. Also, you pointed out that you weren't a huge fan of it to start with so there's that lol. Everyone has different tastes! My fiancé doesn't like GoT at all and he's always baffled why everyone watches it haha

  2. Yes, yes, and yes! I'm a huge fan of "Game of Thrones", but this season was subpar, compared to what the show has done in the past. I completely agree with everything you said in the video, and I just HOPE that they pull it together for season 8.

  3. This season had better acting, dialogue and character moments than every season if the 100 that I was able to tolerate. The "fuck yeah" moments happened in some key places, but let's not pretend that pretend that Game Of Thrones suddenly became the HBO equivalent of a Michael Bay film. Objectively speaking that's just wrong.

  4. Also, certain characters acted in a way that felt very out-of-character and inconsistent with rest of the show. The incredible Tyrion Lannister was reduced to a dumb decision maker. Also, as you mentioned, the Jon Snow plot armour felt kinda dumb. Episode 6 of this season took way too many liberties IMO

  5. Seasons 1-4 is just pure gold, after that the show just falls apart.

    In the first few seasons the show was a character driven fantasy political show, in these later seasons the show has become a plot driven fantasy show.

    Characters nowadays have no minds of their own, they just do what the plot tells them what to do and nothing else.

  6. I enjoyed this season a lot the first viewing through, but there is no way I could watch it again. I tried to rewatch the second to last episode and I almost cringed at how bad it was. It makes no sense. Everything is fan service and the writers are trying to get you shocked more than anything. There is no subtleties that make you want to go rewatch an episode for either a deeper meaning or to uncover symbolism. I am not the biggest fan of the show but it has become so mainstream there are no deep moments anymore. Still fun show but overall it was nothing great. 7/10 for me. P.S. Dany and Jon are more forced than anything ive aver seen before.

  7. I feel like season 7 and 8 meant to be a single season, and then it would perhaps make MORE sense. But yeah, I agree, they went for a face-paced entertainment, and there's really no excuse. Still, it's good popcorn fun. 😉

  8. It was just harder for the producers because it was off book and they only knew the emd state they had to get too. Plus the "time travel" is just becaue they don't have the episodes where characters are literally just traveling. But season 6 was better opinion

  9. I loved GoT's in the beginning. I mean it took a couple of seasons before most of the world joined the GoT's fanatic bandwagon but they got there in the end, lol. Season 6 & 7 though have been such a U turn in quality of writing that they are almost like two totally different shows. The glamour and glitz is still there, as our host correctly states, but beneath that is now nothing, there is no depth any more. And I feel a telling sign of how bad the show has got are the amount of negative Youtube and media critic reviews now out there. I honestly cannot remember seeing more than a handful of reviews for previous seasons with titles such as 'What went wrong' or 'Why is this season so bad', etc, etc, but now they are everywhere. And for the first time the media critics have started to dare to criticise the show. I read newspaper and magazine reviewers actually stating how the show has jumped the shark now and how logic and reason no longer seem to matter to the show runners. Such words would have been tantamount to blasphemy previously, but maybe they smelled blood in the water?

  10. I still love the show and found myself enjoying it, but I do feel the decline sadly. GoT has been reduced to "just another fantasy epic" when it's foundation developed from being "a fantasy political drama". The intrigue, schemes and character motivations were the heart of what kept me interested. I've always loved the action as well but it's not why I watch the show. I wish they never strayed from the original formula. I'm still excited to see the final season but not nearly as excited as I was when finishing earlier seasons.

    P.S Snow and Jamie's plot armor this season was some of the most jarring elements. I'm surprised that anyone thought that was ok.

  11. I agree with you on GOT. I've always thought it was a bit overrated, even the first few seasons. I mean, it's a solid show, just not half as great as everyone makes it out to be. I like The Last Kingdom much, much more.
    Also, I love your channel as we have similar viewing tastes (I'm not a fan of the superhero-comic book shows though), just wish you'd upload more. Please consider. Do a British crime-drama series.

  12. the show definitely threw verys and littlefinger's intrigue under the bus. there's no more plot only story.

    they should've drowned Jon and made someone else R+L's child maybe Theon

  13. Man. Your reviews like always perfect.
    Game of Thrones is still perfect. I believe it makes sense now to the ending not to kill off everyone deliberately. But I also believe that main characters WILL die next season. And I look forward to that.

  14. Yeah, I always thought the show was okay
    Maybe it's because I have friends recommend certain episodes with context
    Who knows?

    Have you reviewed "The Leftovers" yet?
    I highly recommend it
    Minus the last season
    HBO needs to stop shortening their final fucking seasons
    It's getting annoying

  15. Eh, I thought season 7 was great while I was watching it. I was just as engaged as the previous seasons. It kinda surprised me that people didn't enjoy it as much after I watched it. The relationship between sansa and arya was the only part I felt was a little strange and forced.

  16. I loved the season, most episode managed to send shivers through my entire body, I tend to enjoy simple entertainment like that if it's well done, although I do have to agree that some things just didn't make too much sense and that they could've done a better job, still one of my favorite season though, the fuck yeah was what I had been waiting for

  17. This is my own opinion, but I really did enjoy this season overall. The action was still fantastic to see and the storylines were still really good. But like I said, it's your own opinion. Fantastic video overall Ron. Love your channel still Ron.

  18. Game of Thrones is my favorite show but I agree with you when you say that this season is pretty garbage. There was no interesting dialogue and everyone had plot armor. The only moment I was scared for anyone was when Jamie talked to cersei at the end of the season, even then the writers bitched out.


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