Jaqen H’ghar is probably the most confusing Game of Thrones character. Who is Jaqen? What’s his relationship with Arya? Is Jaqen Syrio Forel? Who’s the “alchemist” at Oldtown, and what does he want? What do the Faceless Men have to do with Valyria? Were the Faceless Men involved in the death of Balon Greyjoy? Could they be working with Euron Greyjoy to orchestrate a huge terrible blood sacrifice?

This video contains spoilers for Season 6 of Game of Thrones, and Books 1-5 of ASOIAF, and a TWOW sample chapter read by GRRM.


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Thanks to the following Patrons: Jason A. Diegmueller, Reverend Xandria, @MrFifaSA, Cameron Weiss, @Vineyarddawg, Eric Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Pan, Jason Rattray, Cynbobby Joe, Kate Lyons, Ryan Steele, Michael Appell, Artorias Stark, David Howe, Fallon Mail, Cregg Riley, Sean Ludtke, Todd Marcus, Chris Cole, Moiraine Sedai, Jake Burling, Chris Amolsch, Matthew Elisha Williams, Fred Petty



  1. I don't think the Faceless men were deliberately after Arya. There's no point in chasing after certain people, especially children, when all they're going to do is wear a 'mask' anyway. If Syrio was actually a Faceless man under a guise, which is very possible, then it would most likely be because he was there to recruit/teach anybody who showed potential of the ways of the faceless men, without revealing such. Maybe even to pass the word to whoever wears Jaqen's face that they are a candidate that needs to be pursued.

  2. Perhaps the first sword of Bravos was the an affectation of the faceless men. Being a sword master and teacher to noble children among other children would be a great way to scour talent. As to why Jaqen would be locked up, he may have been on a job and came across area, knowing who is by way of information sharing among the faceless men.

  3. Death is a gift -> Walkers are the dead slaves/soldiers/peasants who died because of their masters greed -> They will have their revenge

    I think the walkers from beyond the wall are in fact the "good guys" of GoT

  4. Your voice just… Just makes me want to jump off of a building. You sound like you have a mouth full of marshmallows and you're trying to keep them in and still talk… I can't even focus… I just can't… Why don't you just speak? Normally? Just talk without over over OVER annunciating every.single.word. Are your lips puckered? Are they sewn partially shut? Did someone punch you in the mouth? How do you eat? I'm sorry. Your video is great, but good lord man you sound like Caitlyn Jenner. OPEN your mouth when you speak man!!!

  5. Very well done.

    In regards to the Cthulu type creature that Greyjoy may be summoning, i remembered one thing from the season 7 episodes.

    Samwell is overhearing the maesters talk about the coming of the dead army. The conversation ends with the maesters blowing his suggestions off, and then said something mocking to the situation.

    One of the maesters referred to a prediction about a great creature being summoned from the sea, and what a foolish prediction it was.

    After watching this video, which was FANTASTIC, i remembered the scene, and reported it to your site.

    valar morghulis

  6. On the whole Syrio being the faceless man thing, maybe he wasn't looking to only recruit Arya and him getting captured meant more potential recruits. Arya ended being a nice bonus in all of it, but she was not always his end game? Maybe Syrio is one of the many faces they have had for a long time, acting as a good way to find potential assassins?

  7. I don't know a lot about Syrio's background, but technically speaking Syrio could have been a faceless man before he was the first sword of bravos. It would after all be very advantageous for the faceless men, because Syrio is probably a very expensive trainer just like the faceless men are expensive assassins. This is because they need money, so sword training would give them a chance to make money and spot possible recruits at the same time.

  8. I'm with Joshua Perry- I think the Faceless Men are opposed to the White Walkers because they make a mockery of the Gift of the Many Faced God. I'm wondering if Jaqen is at the Citadel looking for the book, not to destroy Daenerys' dragons, but to learn the means of how to do so in the hopes of coming up with effective counter measures.


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