Check out my Game of Thrones Season 7 Theory, “Where are the Baby White Walkers”.

The only time we have seen them was in Season 4 when we saw the Night King turn a baby in to a white walker for the first time. So why haven’t we seen them since?

Do they continue to grow and become Young White Walkers, perhaps they’re being trailer and White Walker Super Soldiers, or maybe will we never see them again?

This is part of my White Walker Theories and Night King Theories series. It you would like another White Walker Theory or Night King theory then please let me know.



  1. I worked it out! The scene where the children of the forest are between a stone circle, is the same stone circle that the white walkers take the babies – but what is the connection

  2. The Night King was denied the joy of being a human by the children of the forest. Because of this he could never have real children and a family of his own. The only way he can have a sort of family, is crasters sons. The Night King takes these babies as his own children. Its kind of sad.

  3. Seriously? You're asking, why he doesn't send babies to the fight? They are either hidden somewhere, still growing up, or just grow up faster. Also, you are the first one i heard presume that the other white walkers (beside the night king) were made by dragonglass. Most people presume that white walkers are simply made by the night king. So no half breed. (Btw, seen any white walker women? All white walkers were normal humans before.) Either new white walkers have to be babies or the night king chooses them to be babies, so he can control them (raise them). Adult white walkers might revolt. I generally believe that white walkers have at least some free will left and only choose to follow. If you turn an adult man, he is much more likely to revolt. If a white walker is turned as a baby, he never knew anything else. With 8000 years of time, there really is no reason to risk anything. And probably the night king can't turn living against their will, which would basicly have the result that he can only turn babies. I don't imagine too many volunteers, without the NK putting up posters in Westeros with "I want YOU for the white walkers". So babies are a blank canvas that can't resist and can be brought up just as the NK sees fit and probably need far less magic/magical energy.
    Ooh, and wights are probably just empty hulls without a soul and therefore without free will, as they are turned after their soul (mostly?) left their body.

  4. Wait dude are you serious??
    The whights are the dead brought back to life- they decay and don't have any sense of thinking for themselves.

    The babies are changed into white walkers- they grow physically but are also basically like frezzerburnt. They're not dead. They also have the power to control whights like the night king would. They're sort of like apostles. But still slightly mind controlled ofc.

    The night king was made from the children of the forest pushing a dagger of dragonglass into his chest. He takes the babies he has been given as a sacrifice basically and makes them into whitewalkers.

    That was very obvious since a while ago, I kinda thought this was a joke video or something from the title and the date. You for real didn't know this??

  5. i think i got it now.
    how about if creation (old god) had 2 children who's name goes by Life, Fire, Lord of light, R'hllor.
    and his brother Death, Ice, Lord of darkness, The great Other.
    while Life had children Death could not and he became envious of the living.

    Life and death become known as the new gods.
    children of the new god Life show natures with less divinity. so they could be compared to Demons according to the red priest hood.
    But they where not evil nor good cause that concept was yet to be created by man.

    time went thru and the new became old.
    and the children of Life took on the titles new gods.
    and had children of there own.
    one of them known as the children of the forest became aware of Death.

    death became aware that he could reshape the living in his own image by killing one of Life's children.
    what is dead may never die. and that child would forever be known as the drown god.

    Valar morghulis Valar dohaeris.
    "all of man must die" but "all of man must serve"

    by killing his nephew Death knew he could reach out and make every living his own servants and children.
    thus the first long night began.

    mean while the children of the forest tried to seal away Death powers by offering him a sacrifice.
    either it was Azor Ahai that was used for the ritual or not have been lost in legends.
    but they manage to bind the power of the great other, by plunging a shard of dragon glass in to the heart of their sacrifice, preventing him to reach out and snuff out the very existence of Life,.
    thus creating the night king.
    the night king who became the jailer and servant of the great other had to continue deaths role creating his children.
    even tough he now was limited by working thru a man. Death chose the night king to represent him as an avatar.

    R'hllor could have avatars in form of shadow beings once they filed there purpose they died as they where created with the power of Life.
    but the night king where eternal since he was born from death.

    my tough why dragon glass and why it works so well on white walkers and wraith's, is because it seals the link of the magic from the night king that make's them be.
    giving them the original powers of the mortal man that became the night king,
    mortality, destroying them in the process.

    another thing to back up this theory is that wraiths are linked to there white walkers. so when there white walkers are destroyed they, stop there reanimation state of being unread and, go back just being dead.

    another problem if it is so would be that there must always be a night king unless the great other would regain his full powers and snuff the very life out of existence.
    but since the night king isn't you're normal white walker i am not so sure he can be killed like the rest of them!

  6. I really enjoy Game of Theories, I think the videos are really well-researched and put together. Respectfully, though, I was a bit disappointed with the 'cocksucker' comment, that felt pretty unnecessary. Barring that, let the vids roll

  7. White walkers are actually based off of the Windigo myth, originating in North America amongst Algonquin aboriginal tribes back in the day.. It has a few similar spellings as each tribe had a variation of it but when looking for the origin of white walkers it helps to know that Windigos are possesed while vampires and zombies are turned in a way that more resembles a virus or something. That is not to say that they will have all the same traits as a Windigo but that is the myth George R. R. Martin based it off of.

  8. Maybe they're like backup just in case the war doesn't go their way and they need to keep the white walkers going. Or maybe the babies age faster when they get turned? It's very interesting I really want to see what happened to them.

  9. I think the wounded humans are the thralls or zombies under the control of the White Walkers, but the human infants who are brought to him healthy are changed while still alive, this is what makes them White Walkers, and thus, results in the White Walkers growing their number when it comes to their actual leadership caste.  We've not seen White Walker females for the males to reproduce with, and this changing aspect seems to be their way of reproducing.  However, the infants in their new state of being White Walkers must be able to grow into adult White Walkers and not remain as immortal infants, because what possible good does it do the Night King to have immortal babies?  They wouldn't be able to really help as adult males would.

  10. What if the "night king" isnt really the king or top dog??? Maybe hes just a general or the "hand of the night king"? And the actual night king is bigger and badder than this guy lol its probably not true but still makes u think cause out of all the theories on ur channel i have not once heard this even come up got is good for plot twists and letting the audience think they know what will happen next but if u could explore the idea in a video that would be fun to watch as always thanks a million

  11. When a white walker dies anything it's magic has enchanted dies with it. Possibly when the Nightking dies the other white walkers will fall with it creating a domino effect to destroy the undead army and all that is enchanted by their magic.

  12. "Is it worth risking the lives of White Walkers to get them" it's not a risk if you have no idea they have weapons against you. and those babies are not half human, half humans are completely different, that's just how they make white walkers

  13. Crasters sons are the walkers that look more close to the night king. You know, all those guys that seem to be more intelligent and also have the power to turn others into white walkers


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