Where is Lightbringer? Real Sword or Metaphor? | A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones collection of ideas and theory surrounding the mythical blade of legend.



  1. AA reborn:
    AA is the lord of light…the fiery entity…a dragon. AA reborn is 3 dragon heads..3 people resurrected/reborn in its image to fight for the living in its name (dany and jon got resurrected already and the dragon breathing shadow fire …gendry..who was hiding in the shadows all his life…will die and be resurrected in season 8). Giving the dragon 3 heads. Like mell said jon(the PTWP) and dany(the stallion) have a roll to play…. but so does gendry….he will make kings rise (jon) and fall (NK).

    Lightbringer is AA's sword tempered by water, the heart of the lion and who will be Lightbringer making darkness flee before it when the sword stabs AA's wife with the fiery spirit. But AA is the god…its sword isn't a literal sword but a fighter…a servant of the god…"boy girl you are a sword". I think arya is the gods sword.
    * tempering 1: you temper a sword to strengthen the sword. Water breaks the sword but makes it stronger as well. Arya got emotionally destroyed when joffrey killed mika and ned. But Arya also started to fight and hardened…she got stronger. Joffrey wasn't a baratheon but a basterd of a lannister…joffrey was a waters. The sword got tempered by water already.
    * Tempered 2: I think sansa will get murdered by tyrion next season. He will be the betrayal for love AND tempering the sword by the heart of the lannister lion. If sansa dies like her direwolf it will destroy arya again….but it will also strengthen her…with jon a Targaryen and sansa dead arya is the last stark….like her direwolf arya will lead the pack…she would be queen in the north…THE queen coming for cersei. She will ally the north with house Targaryen. Arya always wanted to be lord of a holdfast…she will be..winterfell. And she idolized Aegons warrior sister who faught next to him during the war…..arya will fight next to her brother…Aegon. 😉😁👍
    * Tempering 3: the sword of the god will kill the woman with the fiery spirit who is married to her god…like a red priestess who happens to have the fire inside of her. She will stab mell with the dagger with the same stone on it mell is wearing. The fire in mell will go into the swords steal. Arya will be lightbringer and lead the army alongside the 3 dragons making darkness flee before it.

    And besides all that. Mell had a vision about arya. Its not about her being in the house of black and white. She sees arya in darkness…she saw her be.the sword in the darkness that is the long night. And she saw 3 eyes staring back at her….3 eyes fighting with lightbringer during the long night…the 3 dragons. And the eyes arya will shut forever are Mellisandre's.

  2. I don't think GRRM would build the entire ASOIAF saga around the "Arthur must weild Excalibur" trope. Therefore, the whole Azor Ahai legend is a Essosian red herring. Anyone can weild any Valeryan sword to do battle with the army of the dead. But they will not slay the Night King. There seems to be 2 big clues to the fate of the NK: Was a prince promised to him as part of the truce pact that resulted in the withdrawal of the Others before? What type of dragon glass was used to create the NK.

  3. I love how you explored this, thanks for the video, but I don't think Ice will be a sword of heat. I believe Jon's crucial sword will continue to be Long Claw. I also am not of the belief that the new Lightbringer doesn't have to be from the old one. It is possible, I agree, that the new one could be metaphoric instead of a literal sword. Although it's cooler to get a actual sword, I think. ☺

  4. Azor Ahai is Jamie .watch the first episode in season one,first scene with Jamie and Cersei ,she speaks about the first time jamie throw himself in water ,30 meters high .Mi opinion after killing Cersei Jamie kils Briane just before dying and transforming in to a white walker completing the prophecy , Love Your Videos greetings from Transylvania

  5. The lion is also the sigil of House Osgrey and the defunct House Reynes. I believe there is also another house with a lion, but a sleeping lion, so lions don't necessarily mean House Lannister.

  6. The vision of water in Winterfell are the Greyjoys. That would be Euron now. Cersei is the Lion. Both have to be taken care of before the great war. I don't think it's more complicated than that.

    I think Nissa Nissa is Danny, another myth based on a typo. She kept telling Jon the dragons are her children. Now they have a kid, he learns "mhysa". She'll die and Jon will take her dragon. I don't know how she dies she can, and she will. Remember Aemon's speech "What is honor….? He might have to kill her for King's blood because Sam read it in a book.

  7. Sooo good to hear your voice again, Gemma! I've listened to so many great theories, so many people's great ideas and I've come to believe that each part of the AA prophesy is an accumulation of certain people. And that everything is also a metaphor. I hope that doesn't sound like the lazy way out, but there are too many shared characteristics of different people that could make up each element of the prophesy. I am thinking of all the people associated with fire, whether it be burning swords or just the ability to "create" fire. Even Benjen Stark seemed to have the ability to create fire in that fireball on a chain thing. He used it over and over when saving Bran and Meera (although Meera totally deserves most props for dragging Bran through the damn cold, along with Hodor and Osha. I am living in Maine now, it's -20° and we just had a blizzard that dropped 11 inches of snow…I can't even dig my car out, much less drag some ungrateful brat (sorry, I'm not enthused by the way Bran dismissed Meera once he was safe) from the cave to Winterfell/ the Wall. But Benjen also used it to save Jon Snow after Jon fell into the lake and was almost frozen and the wights decided to attack again. And you did a great job covering all the rest that can make fire.
    Sometimes I think Nissa Nissa, the lion and water temperings are things happening to separate people. I still wonder if Jon Snow being stabbed in the chest by his Nightwatch brothers could be the tempering in water, or even the Nissa Nissa part? Your Dragon theory of the 3 of them being Lightbringer is fantastic. One (in the show) dragon has already been lost… to the Night King, who is ice, which could be the water. Maybe another one will be lost by a reason due to the Lannisters? I don't know. I don't think this will happen because there are already 2 possible pregnancies/ babies on the way, but I wondered before season 7 if Jaime and Brienne would get together and their child would unite the 2 parts of the Stark sword Ice, she has Oathkeeper and he has Widow's Wail. But there's no time for that now and there's too many potential babies. I am keeping a list of the major players and am wondering who will die in season 8 early episodes because if we get down to 13, that may help identify their roles bc there were 12 men that accompanied the Last Hero. So many variables and people/dragons/swords left!! But I hope it (season 8) doesn't play out like a chichè and makes it very predictable just because there's going to be amazing CGI, a bonkers budget and some incredible battle scenes. I hope it stays away from tropes and doesn't make Jon the AA or whatever prophesy they use, make him sacrifice Dany as Nissa Nissa, blah blah. I am holding onto hope that this last season is well thought out, intricate with the characters and stays true to the overall essence of GRRM's books.

  8. If lightbringer is the original ice and is hidden in the depths of the winterfells crypts, whose tomb do you think it rests on? Brandon the builder? The night kings? Or another?

  9. It would be awesome I think if Sam discover's that Dawn sword of the morning was the sword that originally killed the night King if dragonglass can't kill him then Valerian steel shouldn't either we can find this out in a 1 V 1 Jon vs night King I could see Jon losing the first battle being Resurrected by The Last Kiss then Sam finds out the real method then John will come back and round two and whoop the night King the end LOL

  10. What if and only if we are completely wrong about this and it turns out the ice planet Hoth when winter comes and the flaming sword is actually a light saber? White walkers = storm trooper. Children of the Forest = Ewoks. Weird religious sects = Jedi, Sith and Presbyterians. Dragons = the GEICO Gecko. Jamie loses hand= Luke and Vader lose hand.

  11. I really think 'Lightbringer' is a metaphor … consider Syrio Forel when he first met Arya and called her a boy. She replied, "I'm not a boy! I'm a girl!". Syrio Forel replied, "boy? girl? You're a sword!" Might be a bit of a tinfoil hat theory, but I feel followers of R'hllor are false, and since they are now on Westeros, there presence has awaken the Wights and the Night King. Maybe they are the real 'great other!'

  12. My theory.
    To re-forge lightbringer it needs to be plunged through the heart of the wife of Azor Ahia returned. There are not many husband/wife couples remaining in asoiaf.

    Going from the books there is one couple that could fit the bill. Samwell and Gilly, on the trip from Eastwatch to The Citadel have a bit of funky time and it was then referred that they were now man and wife in the Wilding traditions.

    Samwell is also now in possession of Heartsbane, could this name just be coincidence?

    I have long thought that Samwell is not the son of Randyll, but the son of Rhaghaer and Elia following a baby swap plot. Baby swap plots appear several times in the history of the Targaryens/story.

    There are also several references in the books to Jon and Samwell being brothers. Samwell the son of Rhaghaer and Elia and Jon the son of Rhaghaer and Lyanna.

    Also in Dany's vision in the House of the Undying, she sees Elia giving birth to Aegon/Samwell and referring to him as The Prince that was promised.

    So to sum up, Samwell is Azor Ahia, The Prince that was promised, and he needs to re-forge Lightbringer by plunging Heartsbane through Gilly's heart.

  13. Personally I don’t think that there’s going to be a full on re-creation of the azor ahai myth. I genuinely think that there will be flaming swords in the fight for the dawn but many of them, probably many of the really skilled fighters will carry them. However I don’t see the whole story of forging the sword or Nissa Nissa coming to fruition. I really like the idea that dawn is light bringer or drogon but I think it’s really unlikely that the entire tale will play out.

  14. I think valariyan steel needs to be forged in dragon blood and that’s why it hasn’t been made since the doom. Not enough dragons around afterwards to waste on sword making.
    I think Nisa nisa could have been a dragon, not a woman.

  15. The original ice is long claw.
    Just my opinion.
    It is the lightbringer
    Like in kyles video if im correct said that we can see the mormonts have a valyrian steel. But compared to the tarleys they are not that rich. So how did they acquired long claw.

  16. So I had a thought about this. I'm going by show mainly here at least. Meera seems to have a new sword she left Bloodraven cave with.. it was weird to say the least how she left Bran. He was so ok with her leaving. What if she takes that sword uses on Bran and that is what makes it Lightbrighter to defeat the NK. I just can't see her story being over so easily. It can fit especially if Bran does go to the isle of faces and is connected to the NK. Plus if Darkness makes him strong, wouldn't Light make him weak?

  17. Lightbringer is dragons. The people during the Long Night (Great Empire of the Dawn or the maze-builders or proto-Valyrians or Garth Greenhand or whoever) were losing the war. They needed a superweapon so they started experimenting with magic. They tried mundane science (Azor Ahai tempered the first sword in water) and it didn't work. They tried animal sacrifice (Azor Ahai tempered the second sword in a lion and it didn't work) and finally they turned to human sacrifice (Azor Ahai tempered Lightbringer in Nissa Nissa's heart) and it birthed dragons, much like what Egg was trying to do at Summerhall and Daenerys accidentally did with Drogo and Mirri Maz Duur on the funeral pyre.

  18. Funny how Nissa Nissa was sacrificed in a similar way to Nights King in the show. Still believe the name winterfell has double meaning, there is too much going on in crypts and the others have some purpose for their march


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