Color commentary to a scene from Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1, where Gilly read from the book “Legends of the Long Night”

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  1. I heard one theory a out how the castles Bran the Builder created are significant.

    The wall will/has fallen
    Winter will fall/begin at Winterfell.
    The storm will end at Storm's End.

    However tactically the Eyrie would be the better spot to holdout.

  2. I know this is really off topic, but have you ever noticed on the shew, The Hound is like a big kid?

    The way he awkwardly talks to girls. In S4E3, the farmer says, "Your on my land", The Hound's reply, "I'm standing on it, it's my land." When in S7E6, The Hound gets bored/hangry and starts throwing rocks and insults. The best example of this is in S4E7, when Sandor tells Arya why his brother pushed his, "He thought I stole one of his toys"; the way it is delivered sounds like a child trying to vindicate himself.

    Reminds me of some saying I read in "The Hunch Back of Notre Dame", "Strong boys grow up to be rowdy" or something like that. Essentially they do whatever they want when they get older because no one could tell them otherwise due to their size and strength.

    Great content.

  3. As your video mentions men and COTF where at peace but men still fought among themselves. And the only reason WWs where defeated was that "song" everyone sang together. A metaphor for uniting. Same thing is happening now. Westeros is divided and weakened in manpower by wars (R. rebelion, 5 king war). So maybe NK awakens to chaos in the world and only attacks when he has the best chances of success.
    Maybe he's on the same mission he was created with. A bit corrupted, with killing everyone including COTF and covering the entire continent in endless winter. I know it's a bit simple but I can see the NK as just a force of nature forcing plot to move forward and giving characters a reason to work together.
    Don't get me wrong I want it to be something more, but we'll have to wait for season 8 and the books to find out.

  4. I wondered if you could cover the possibility of Sam's horn that Jon discovered and gave to Sam is the horn of Jorumun…the horn to wake the giants from the earth (the giant sentinel trees).

    There's a Bran chapter after Ramsey has sacked Winterfell and bran & co come out of the crypts. Everything has been burned, but in the wolfswood the trees have not burned. Jojen tells Bran there is power in living wood. They may ignore this in season 8 but they made such a fuss of the wildlings trying to find the horn.

  5. Ok. I dig this vibe. Makes me sad about show Dorne again but makes sense why Martells never got along with the Daynes well. Now here is something I wonder about the Daynes in particular butmI think also possibly some of Hightowers as well. We are talking Dorne and Dawn. Do you think they could be True Men. We hear of First Men, Andels, and very little but mention of True Men who were here already. Possible Valaryian ancestors? cuz not Valaryian but look like. Something special and of course there is Dawn. From the Dawn Age there were True Men. Keep these up Kev you keeping my brain going too! I'm way down the rabbit hole😉 great as Always!

  6. Bravo Kev!  Yes, all related I believe.  Always believed Dorne, Starfall, Dawn are key.  Good catch on Dorne=Dawn!  Love the World of Ice and Fire book.  Is fabulous.  Actually got that before I got the ASoIaF novels…lol.  <3 🙂

  7. I also think the last time the night king was killed. he the night king is supersmart… and defiantly had a high breed weight walker to always bring him back… aka bran !! @bridge4

  8. I've done a bit of reading online and some thinking. And if like to know what you think.

    First the others. The children in the show have admitted to creating them, but then they forgot about them in the North forever (probably because of the pact). Then we get the long night, but why? Well there are a few people that believe there was once a second mood. If I drop all the Dragon stuff, let's just say that it sounds like it was hit by a comet leaving some debris and at least one large chunk the bloodstone emp would get weird about. I'm going to suggest that big piece fell on a huge volcano near where the shadow remains today and caused it to put enough dust into the atmosphere to bloke most of the light. This caused an brief ice age that turned most of westeros into winter (If not all of it). The others could suddenly go anywhere they wanted in most of the world.

    There have been a number of hints that dragons were around before the Targerians tamed them. This includes two black stone buildings and a dragonsteel sword. So, we had a lot of little pieces of the moon that looked like thousands of fires falling down (dragons). Now I don't know if the eggs actually fell with the rest of the moon. They could have been kicked up when the volcano blew. There are way to many possible ways so I'll try to just be general. Either as starfall, or perhaps near the Royne, some combination of forces hatches some eggs and raised at least one dragon. There are so many literal and figurative ways to think of a sword of light. For this theory, let's view a dragon's fire as a "sword of light".

    What might the effects of a sea song be? Days, weeks, months of rain that would have helped to clear the air of dust bringing back the sun? With the sun back the winter would have started to go. The fire dragons would have helped them fight back the others and build stormsend and the tower on battle isle. I'm also going to suggest at this point that the Danes were a people the could ride the dragon(s).

    As the winter left the new climate left a much larger area that never lost its ice. A wall was built with spells to contain the others at a point where it would cost the least effort but still sat were it would never be warm enough to melt.

    With the continent mostly back to normal, the dragon (s ) lived out their lives but they didn't seek to hatch new ones. Or the people that became the Danes took some eggs they have left and hid them where the later dragonlords would find them. Others sleeping in the ice, dragons sleeping in the fires of their volcano.

    What remains of the second moon may no longer reflect light. And it's new orbit puts it far enough out that it can pass in front of the sun but the spot it blocks isn't visible. It would block some of the light but not all, and go slow enough that it eclipses and causes a winter for longer than it should be around.

    There have also been strong hints that magic objects like glass candles have some connection to one or both of the moons. Perhaps all magic is affected. It seems stronger at the wall. Maybe the construction if the wall and some other places contain small fragments of the moon that made it to the surface. Bloodstone may have worshipped the black stone because that large piece enhanced magic a great deal. Might it be possible to use magic to somehow hit the moon again and put it where it should be? Or to knock it farther way to that the effect of it passing between the world and the sun is unnoticeable?

    Is Azor Ahi a person that has been changed some how to attune to dragons? Was Melisandra actually right? Stanis as a Berathion has a trace of dragon blood. Perhaps this is a secret Kinvara knows and only she as the high priestess guards. The church of the Lord of light might exist to protect the high priestess who alone guards the secret to ensure there will be a new hero if it's ever needed. This makes me wonder if some one stole the knowledge from the Danes or if one of them ran away and shared it. Or maybe a company of Danes conquered and interbred with the sheepherd people there and accidently gave them the ability to bond with dragons and it wasnt intrntional at all. Perhaps the Doom was the church of the firy god punishing them for waking the dragons when they weren't needed or for abusing them as a weapon of conquest…


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