Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1: Dragonstone
The Night King and his army of the dead (containing at least a few giants!) march south, heading for The Wall.



  1. This clearly shows that Giants still exist far beyond the wall. I hope the remaining giants and the children of the forest join the humans in the war against the white walkers, just like in one of the episodes of season 7 where Jon Snow explains to Daenarys that the first men and the children fought together to defeat the white walkers.

    P.S. I hope Benjen Stark is still alive.

  2. So, let's do a headcount: Hundreds of thousands of undead men and women, undead giants, ice spiders, undead bears, and now a resurrected dragon…..
    So, on a scale of one to fucked, how bad off do you think Westeros is against these odds?

  3. It's crazy to watch this scene compared to the horde back when sam was hiding behind a rock. It's as far as the eye can see. Not sparce anymore . Numerous giants . Spooky…..oh yeah and now a…….nvm don't wanna spoil

  4. Anyone know the size of the army of wights? I'm going to estimate 250,000 but perhaps more. I'm going to assume this from the 100,000 Mance army – 5,000 survivors from Hardhome plus all other existing wights already.

  5. Imagine if Wun Wun didn't die:

    1. Gather all the dragonglass Jon Snow had acquired
    2. Build Wun Wun a giant armor and a huge ass weapon made from dragonglass
    3. Make him rush his way through the dead army and crush those White Walkers once and for all, just with a single blow.
    Night King: "I have an army."
    Jon Snow: "We have Wun Wun."


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