Welcome back for another Game of Thrones End Game Theory Video. I’m sure most of you have seen my videos about which characters I think will not survive until the end but today I wanted to make a video listing the characters that I truly believe will survive the entire series. I’m pretty sure most of the main players won’t make it but the characters named in this video seem like good candidates for the rebuilding phase. The Great War is upon them all now that the Night King has nothing in his way stopping him. Who will make it out alive? Let me know what you think. Thanks for watching!

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  1. Strongly disagree with this list there are too many "good characters" on it. This is Game of Thrones and the good either die young or die early. Some evil people will make it to the end game count on it. But then, the night king might kill everyone which could be quite likely based on everything that's happened so far. Bran (the greenseer) is a baby, his powers aren't developing fast enough and he has no contact with the forest children. Dany's dragon's are babies (one is already dead ). The dragons haven't melted the dragon glass to forge weapons and shields. Most people in the 7 kingdoms and the rest of the world don't have any preparation against the night king's armies. Samwell Tarly hasn't found the origin of the night king or how to rid him from the realms of men. The red priestesses are confused. The last war against the Others wasn't nearly as chaotic or unprepared. Things look really bad.

  2. It would be ironic if based on thoughts for survivors that Gendry becomes the chosen ruler with Arya as his Queen. Tyrion as his hand and Brienne as Kingsguard in honor of Jaime. Missandei on his council with Samwell as the Grand Maester. The meek and youth will inherit the world. I love listening to your theories and all the new points I learn. Thank you.

  3. Talking Thrones, have you read the books? As someone who read the books prior to watching the series, I have to admit that I liked the show's change of plot and direction. If you have read the books, I'd love to get your thoughts on them.

  4. You do know Brienne has no interest in Thormund right, infact she is disgusted by him and only has eye for Jaime, those of you hoping for a Brienne and Thormund relationship must not be paying attention to almost every scene they shared together.

  5. Thanks for the video, good stuff as usual!
    Who i think will live: Dany, Brienne, Missandei, Tyrion, Sam, Arya, Sansa, Yara, Gendry, Edmure Tully, Lyanna Mormont, Davos
    Who i think is gonna live or die 50/50 chance: Jon, Jaime, Hound,Theon, Bran
    Who i think will definitely die: Varys, Melisandre, Grey Worm, Cersei, Euron, Ed (from Nights Watch), Beric, Mountain, Daario (if appears), Ser Jorah, Tormund


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