Why did magic disappear in Westeros? And who, or what, caused the Doom of Valyria?



  1. I dont think we're gonna get all the answers we crave. Not from the show, anyway . Let's hope the show can cram all this info into 6 shows, but alas, it's doubtful.😒 I'd love to know about this magical place! Maybe in a sequel??

  2. Very nice theory Robert sweet boy ..Valyria it was like the Atlantis..Atlantis it was build with magic by the God of the Sea ..Poseidon given as a gift to beautiful queen who he loved ..He build her palaces and her temples with magic using Gold and silver ..He with his magic powers created rivers,mountains,lakes,vales,ports and cities with high buildings and towers in all the Atlantis peninsula ..The same with Valyria ..but im wonder who build Valyria?Atlantis it was the most powerful country in the pro-cataclysmic world…Technology,magic,arts,temples,palaces,agriculture,food.supplies,ships,weapons,clothes,jewels,diamonds,rubies,sapphires and etc they make the country rich for centuries ..a paradise on the earth..The same with Valyria..but what happen next ?They said that Atlantis as Valyria it was build upon on underwater volcanos…One day those volcanos they exploded up and they cover everything with lava and ash and the earth opened and peoples dissapear ..and tsunamis 70-80 meters they hit their cities ,drowned the citizens and causes the doom of Atlantis ..Like Valyria Atlantis was destroyed by fire and water..The Gods it was furious with the Atlantians ..because they started to be greedy for gold,blood,war,sex and to fell into crimes,to conquering with wars other nations,civil wars between the noble houses ,to forgot/mock the Gods and to fell in sins ..The same with Valyria ..they fell for the Lannister Gold,they conquering Essos and Westeros with wars and causing the slavers to create their new religion for to stop them..Zeus ordered his brother Poseidon to destroy Atlantis giving in them a lesson that when a nation loses his values fell into decay and doom..Valyria loses her values when got fell into the Lannister Gold..this gold was cursed ..The slavery was another problem in both Atlantis/Valyria …In Valyria the Slaves/First FM starts to go rebels and to slay their Valyrian Masters and use magic for to destroy Valyria with the help of the nature ..Valyria also reminds me Pompeii,Thyra[Santorine] and the Minoan Cities in Crete .. who get destroyed with the same way ..forces of nature..Valyrian lands ..like those ..are still exist but without peoples to reach her again..unlike also Atlantis who is still underwater and is hard to found it..Congratulations for the Video sweet mysterious cherry boy..Keep continue the awesome work..

  3. Great video as always I love it every time you release one you blow open a whole new section of this story that I would never of known I love it thank you so much (p.s any news on my suggestion?)

  4. The faceless men are much much older then just a few hundred years before the doom, they predated Bravos, and yes the ultimate hit on Valaryia is a reasonable theory. The Dragonlords wanted magics to enslave the world, the Lannisters wanted a magical sword to conquer it, the Maesters sought to put an end to the reign of magic itself, all part of the wheel. The faceless men though, likely serve The Great Other, and know full well that it intends to make remake the world anew probably sans team humanity Magic was never gone from Westros, north of the Wall, and even south where there were Weirwoods, (Harrenhaal for example) magics endured because it's not the same thing.

  5. If the Maesters can make Valyrian steel from scratch, I would explain how the Lannisters got one. And it might explain how the Mormonts got one too. Remember Mormonts are dirt poor and I doubt the Starks are loaners. What other Valyrian secrets are hidden in Citadel?

  6. I am reading Prologue to ADWD. Varamyr Sixskins burned up when Melisandre arrived at the Wall. Could THAT b her way of helping win the WAR? Wanted your opinion. Or a video!!β€πŸΊπŸ²πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ’‹


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