We’re coming to the end of the insane journey that is Game of Thrones. That’s right Thrones fans, the end is nigh! So today we’re tackling one of the biggest unresolved mysteries in the entire series; who is Azor Ahai? And will the prince or princess that was promised finally fulfil their prophecy? Here are our theories…

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  1. I think Azhor Ahai, The Prince that was Promised, and The Last Hero are 3 separate people & also are the 3 heads of the Dragon. GRRM kept their identities cloudy for a reason.
    1. Daenerys brought Dragons from Stone & was reborn in the fire so she's Azor.
    2. Jon went North with 12 companions so he's The Last Hero.
    2. Gendry is the Prince that was Promised because Jon is a King, Daenerys is a Queen, and Gendry's father was a King so he's a Prince (legal or not) & about the age as the Red Comet
    All three have Targaryn blood (Gendry via King Robert's Mother).

  2. i really dont want dany to kill jon i d rather jon be azor ahai as he s honourable and dany is a stupid spoliet cow who wants a throne so i d rather jon kill dany i worry tho that dany will kill jon

  3. jorah mormont or jaime lannister. Feel bad for jon really wants to be something but he is a basterd lol he is the main reason of the war for westeros. jon may have dragonblood but targaryens will never rule again viserys is dead get over it targaryen fanboys!

  4. I don't know why, I can't get out of my head that part from the prophecy of three : "three fires must you lit (…) and one to love". I've been twisting it in my head for weeks, trying to figure out what's for Dany in the "fire to love" part. And I finally came up with this crazy idea that probably doesn't make any sense, but…
    The first White Walker was created by plunging a dragonglass dagger in a man's chest
    To 'undo the magic", as I read somewhere, a WW must be stabbed with dragonglass.
    Perhaps there's a single sacrifice, involving dragonglass, that would be strong enough to destroy ALL white walkers.
    Logically, the sacrificed should be the equivalent of WW, in terms of strength and magic. Its magic should also opposes, or balance the "ice" magic of the WW. The sacrificed could be a dragon.
    If WW turn into ice, then shatter when they're stabbed with dragonglass, perhaps a dragon, when stabbed wth dragonglass, would catch fire and consummate itself. Perhaps the White walkers WANT that to happen. Perhaps they want to return to their human form and die at last. Perhaps they saw the red comet and started marching south because they knew it meant the birth of dragons, an that only a sacrificed dragon would save them. Perhaps they started the war against humans so that humans would eventually end up cornered, with no other choice but to sacrifice a dragon in order to save humanity and undo the curse on the WW.
    If Daenerys had to sacrifice a dragon, and if that dragon caught fire after being stabbed by dragonglass, I imagine Daenerys ending this the same way she started it when her dragons hatched: embracing her child until none of it but ashes are left. That would be the "fire to love". It would also, likely, make Daenerys the princess who was promised.
    Or perhaps this is complete bollocks XD
    On another note, we could interpret the three forging of lightbringer as follow. It would depend on which dragon Daenerys ends up sacrificing. Viserion's out, so it would either be Rhaegal or Drogon.
    If she sacrifices Rhaegal, the three forging could be equivalent to the fate of the three "Rhaegar" in the story. Rhaegar Targaryen believed, at first, that he was the Prince who was promised. But he broke and shattered in water at the battle of the Trident. Then came Rhaego, Dany's unborn child, who was destined to become a great something (a stallion who mount the world? Or something like that…), but he (metaphorically) broke and shattered in blood when Miri Maz Duur performed blood magic to "save" Khal Drogo. The third and successful forging would be Rhaegal, who'd take both roles of Lightbringer and Dany's Nissa Nissa.
    If, however, Dany had to sacrifice Drogon, I think the "three forging" would become the three tries (or methods) at annihilating completely the WW/undeads threat. Attempting to destroy the wights with water could work on a short term since they cannot swim, but then the WW would just keep on making more wights. Stabbing them with dragonglass would result in the same problem, and even if WW were killed as well, the NK could just make more WW, who then could make more wights, and so on. The only way to permanently win the war against them would be to kill the NK, and as we know, he's no easy prey. Only by sacrificing Drogon would they "undo" the NK's powers.

  5. Dany… she asks about John being stabbed thru the heart on more than one occasion… Melisandre tells Dany of Azor prophecy, we then find out the prophecy is uni-sex in translation… these things did not need to be written in the story so they must be of significance, if Dany were to stab John thru the heart, he can be brought back as we have already seen, this is a good and obvious twist that alot of ppl aren't seeing, it's a good way to keep either of them from dying due to the prophecy as well…

  6. I think Azor Ahai is Varys the unic.
    I think Light Bringer is already with us, but known as another ancient Valerian Steel sword. It is in the possession of Sam Tarly, and we know it as Heart's Bane.
    When Light Bringer was made the first time, it needed to be forged, and then it needed to be heated and quenched in the breast of a woman everybody loved. That's what brought out the big magic.
    This time around, I think the woman will be Daenerys Targarean, and I think she will be dying in agony, because of a breach birth, same as Jon Snow's mother, same as Teryon Lanister's mother.
    I think you're quite right about Bran. I think what the Night King wants more than anything, is to get through this curse he has brought down on himself and die. The only way he can do that is to live until Azor Ahai comes again, and brings LightBringer.
    I think LightBringer already exists, it's a Valerian Steel blade known as Heart's Bane. Sam Tarly has it.
    I think Azor Ahai exists, and he was "born amid smoke and salt and fire, under a red star." He was sold by his parents at the age of ten, to a sorcerer, who castrated him, while a red comet was in the sky, while Danerys Targarian was being born, in a house of a sorcerer full of smoke and salts and blades…
    I think Daenerys will fall pregnant to John Snow, and the baby will come early, right as a big battle is looming. The delivery goes wrong, as John Snow and Teryon Lanisters births went wrong, and Danni will be bleeding to death, and begs to be put out of her misery. And all the 50 brave men present at Dragonstone will not have the balls to kill her. The only man who has the balls for that, is the man who doesn't have any – the bald unic Varys. So Varys borrows Heart's Bane from Sam Tarly, and stabs Daenerys Targarion through the heart with it. It's an act of mercy, and great courage. He re-creates the legend of Light Bringer and Nissa-Nissa – to make a sword of Power, you take the life of a woman everybody loves. That's how the sword becomes LightBringer and Varys becomes Azor Ahai.
    Whether that will be apparent to Varys, or the audience, at the time, is another matter entirely….
    So somewhere down the track, the Prince Who Was Promised will face the Night's King, who will bare his chest and say something like "Come on – what are you waiting for?"
    The Night's King more than anybody, WANTS Azor Ahai to kill him, because that's the only way he can escape the trap he got into.
    I think the business of the little Ice Age that comes every centuary or two, that should stop and the Wall should go, the undead should go back to being dead, and most of the Magic in the world should stop. What that will mean for Dire Wolves and Dragons is not so good….
    The bitter-sweet twist is that all the 'good guys' die, including John and Danni, and the ultimate hero, the saviour of men, the Prince Who Was Promised (which we are reminded is a non gender-specific prophesy, which works well for a non gender-specific character) is a liar and a thief and a master of spies and whispers, a man who spent his life peeping through keyholes. And the ultimate bad guy, the anti-hero, will be the little cripple boy we have loved, who caught Jamie and Cersi having sex. The one set up to be the hero, becomes the villain, and the one set up to be the villain, becomes the hero. That's your twist.
    That and the fact that once you save the world, all the magic goes out of it. You will miss Green Seers and wargs and Direwolves, and most of all Dragons. You will miss real gods that can bring back the dead. You will miss trees that can see everything. But you won't miss a magic one century ice age that comes every 600 years or so. And you won't miss the army of the dead… These things come as a set. It's not a Walt Disney story or a Little Golden Book. That's what makes it so good.
    Like Lord of the Rings, it's high fantasy, but it's meant to be adult literature – not a children's story.

  7. azhor ahai willl be reborn , when the star bleed , at the end of a long summer azhor ahai will be reborn , he will rise de dragon from the stone , take his sword lightbringer to save the world from the white walkers
    i will reunite all the theory that i've read plus my lil knowledge
    1) jon is born in the tower of joys , but the sword in the bottom of the bedroom of his mother is the morning sword with the sun as a drawing on it and the sword is full of blood ( in the tv the sword is next to some sort of blood spong ) the sun is a star
    2) targaryen are called dragon , daenerys is the mother of dragons , so i can assume she is a dragon , in season 7 episode 6 jon call for daenerys help while fighting the dead and daenerys leaves dragons stonne (remember the prophecy azhor ahai will rise dragons from stone) for the war of the dawn , i think as we are talking about prophecy waking dragons here doesn't neccesarly means givin them birth , but make them aware of the threat , and involving them in the fight
    3) jon is the only one who is more concerned about the white walkers he is the one who's bringing everybody together to fight them (he is saving the world from the white walkers )
    5) still the lightbringer …
    but may be i' am wrong …

  8. ok after U talked about Dany and her battles and how they related to the forging of lightbringer and along with how she fulfils the prophecy i do think she is Azor Ahai i mean it would be unexpected since everyone thinks it's Jon

  9. Dany fits the Azura Ahia prophecy way better than Jon does, She was reborn Amit smoke and Ash , Jon was not. She was reborn Under a red star, Jon was not. Where is Jons lightbringer , Because Dany has dragons. Jon being Azura Ahia looks very shaky to me. I think it's possible that both Jon and Dany could be Azura Ahia, AZURA AHIA sounds like two names to me.

  10. I really think Jon snow is Azor ahai and Dany is his wife nissa nissa.He will stab his sword (Longclaw) into her heart to yield the sword Lightbringer..He will be the one to kill the Night King.He is literally the song of Ice and Fire. There is no more time to wait for their child to grow up to become Azor Ahai, the army of the dead is now here


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