Who is Beric Dondarrion? And what role does he have in season 7? He’s holding a flaming sword in the season 7 trailer, so does that make him Azor Ahai?

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  1. It's all about the sword.
    The sword "Dawn" carried by Sir Arthur Dayne, forged from a fallen star and carried only by somebody worthy who was named "the sword of the morning" = Dawn.

    This very sword was leaned against Lyanas bed by Ned when Jon was born.

    Jon Snow never had rights to his own families sword, he needed to inherit "longclaw" from Lord Mormont. This sword technically now belongs to Jorah, lord mormonts son, who I think will be given it back by Jon.

    All of the books prophesised Azor Ahai being reborn as the Prince that was promised who will be born again & will defeat the long night with a flaming sword called lightbringer. Sounds like a "DAWN" to me.

    So where is this sword now?
    Turns out that somebody has been carrying a flaming sword for the whole of Game of Thrones and if you look at the pommel of the sword, it is the same as the pommel on "DAWN".

    So to summarise.
    Jon Snow will inherit the sword that was with him at his birth from Beric Dondarrion and will become The prince that was promised with his own flaming sword called lightbringer. The Lord of Light wanted Beric Dondarrion alive so that he could give this sword to Jon Snow.

  2. Given that in Episode 1 this question came up – he and now Sandor are seeing The Wall in 'the fires' – I wonder if he is not what we would call a VIRUS? He is dead but living because of 'fire' like Jon and unlike the whites or white-walkers. So maybe he will die by white-walkers and then 'infect' them reducing their numbers.

  3. who is Beric EFFING Dondarrion. He is a sexy mfer. In the show he will bring one last major character to life with the last kiss (most likley Jon bc he is shown north of the wall) He is the perfect explainer character (there is several) His purpose is a bridge between the small folk and the Gods as opposed to the assumption that the Gods only apply towards noble born.

  4. D'awww! I love you!! ❤️💕😘Thanks!! I really can't wait to see what they do with him this season. He's always been just barely there in the show, but Beric makes such a lasting impression. You can't help but love the guy. One thing I've always wondered was if he's a nobleman what has become of his lands?? His home? Is there a vacant Dondarion Castle somewhere in the Storm lands? Was it given away to someone else when he went rogue?

  5. You know I rarely disagree with you, Robert. First of all great video as usual, as you know I absolutely love the character profile videos and I love this guy… but I digress. To say that he isn't a very good fighter isn't exactly fair. You have to consider his opponents bro. Especially the friggin Mountain! As far as his flaming sword, he ignites it with his blood by sliding his hand up the blade most likely with a quiet or silent prayer or incantation to the God of Fire. I don't believe in any way whatsoever it is or has anything to do with Lightbringer. I believe that Jon will wield that to finish off the Night King after one or both of Danny's dragons blow him out of the sky as he rides a now undead Ice Dragon version of Verserion. I think most likely Drogon will do this and Jon will kill him with Long Claw or, like I said Lightbringer after he aquiers it. I don't believe Jon will ride any of the dragons as cool as that would be to see. Those are my thoughts/theories on that particular subject.. good one by the way. They never disappoint. Keep it up. Next I would love to see a thorough video of The Isle of Faces and the Green Men.

  6. What I would like to know is why Ned picked him to begin with? His family was from the Stormlands and he was too young for Ned to see him fight. it is a very odd selection, unless Ned didn't think he would succeed. But as to the kiss of life and no LSH, I think it's obvious what will happen?

  7. What if Arya sneaks along on the trip up north, and gets struck down.  Beric, having failed Ned, decides to give his life for her's, hence bringing Arya back to life.

  8. Great video. Interesting POV. Had the Lord of Light decided the battles differently or deemed his opponents unworthy, Beric might not have died so many times. I like his hero arc and the awesome flaming sword. 🔥

  9. I think Beric will give "the last kiss" to Jon when he is once again killed during his expedition North of the Wall, allowing Jon to continue to fight the White Walkers. I do think that his (and Jon's) disillusionment will translate into what the "bittersweet ending" of The Song of Ice and Fire will be… the fact that there will be no sweet ending for Jon. Jon, I believe, will have an ending sort of like Frodo in Lord of The Rings, although he won't get to live forever in the sunset lands but will die for his people. Who goes with him, I do not know-but it may well be Danerys.


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